Tomato & Squash Update

Tomato Row
Just thought I’d give an update of Tomato Alley. The original post I did has been my most viewed post, hopefully people will try this growing method and have great success. I think the beauty in it is that by putting the drainage pipes into the ground, you are able to get more water and oxygen down to the roots which makes for a happier plant. Scott mulched this past weekend with straw. By using a thick layer of mulch and our pipes we only have to water them once a week. Which, when we are facing certain water restrictions this summer, is a welcome thought. All plants are looking happy and healthy and this latest little heat wave did them well. We even spotted our first San Marzano.
First San Marzano
We love San Marzanos. Because of their meatyness they make for great sauce.

It seems I turned around the zucchini grew from seedling to adolescents. Isn’t that the way it is with zucchinis? So the interesting thing about these guys is that Scott started that one in back at the end of March on our potting table. Then a month later when it was ready to plant out, he did so then put in two more seeds into the ground next to it, which are the other two plants you see. They are the same size! Sometimes its just not worth it to start sewing seeds early, in our yard at least.



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