We ate our first tomato this weekend. A San Marzano. Not this one above, but a different one, one without blossom end rot. Blossom end rot is something we seem to struggle with every year. Especially and almost exclusively with the San Marzanos. It’s caused by the plant not getting enough calcium. We already knew that we didn’t have enough calcium in our soil due to our home diagnosed weed problems, but it seems like adding that liquid calcium didn’t do enough to prevent blossom end rot entirely. It’s not affecting every tomato, just some, but its there.
One reason is that plants aren’t able to absorb calcium is by infrequent and inconsistent watering. I don’t think that’s our problem. We do water on a regular basis, about once a week. And it’s a deep watering since we do our drainage pipe method.
Is anyone else dealing with blossom end rot? You Grow Girl did a great post about this last week.
This next problem is a mystery to us and maybe you can help us.
It’s this spotting that’s happening on our nectarines. It’s on the vast majority of nectarines, no matter if they are in the sun or shaded by the leaves. It’s edible, we eat right through it, but it makes them kind of funky looking. Does anyone know what it is?
Stinkin end rot! For me, it’s blight, blight, blight and more blight. That and the collapsing tomato routine – about 5 plants have just collapsed under their own weight despite my cages and staking. No end rot yet, but ripening has not fully happened for me. Calcium seems to be okay for me and I’ve got your watering method on about half of my tomatoes.
The blight is just because of my non crop rotation and the humid connecticut weather. blah.
Don’t have blossom end rot (yet), but have you tried composting in some egg shells to work calcium into your soil? Just a thought.
Another thought on your watering. Since I’m using a Self Watering Container, I know EXACTLY how much water my two plants are using as it’s a closed system with no loss due to evaporation. As my plants have grown they have required a gallon of water a day. They drain my reservoir daily. I never would have guessed. Maybe you need more water, especially in California.
Sorry, no clue on the rest. Love your site! Thanks for sharing.
I stumbled on your post because I have 16 tomato plants, including 2 san marzanos (and also have LaRoma’s and Romas growing for comparison) and I live on limestone so I have no calcium issues with my soil. I run drip that is on a self timer so every plant gets the same amount of water and ONLY THE SAN MARZANOs have BER. Grrrr. I’m glad I’m growing alongside some comparison plants, but I think my solution for the next season is NO SAN MARZANOS!! The La Roma’s look actually better than the san marzanos (don’t know about the flavor yet) and are supper productive in a compact space.