The white peaches are just about ripe. They are tiny little peaches, apricot size really. But it’s a teeny, tiny little tree, so what do you expect, really? We keep having thoughts of taking the tree out, and maybe replacing it with an Oh Henry peach tree, but every August, once we have our first bite of fruit, we give it another year.
Our Fay Elberta tree is almost empty at this point. We froze a bunch of these peaches. Sliced them, layed them out on a cookie sheet and then into a ziplock. I can’t wait for a mid winter peach tart. I need to remember to make up some crisp topping too. We also made just a couple jars of freezer jam too.
Do you have any fruit trees in your garden? Are the peaches ripe in your yard too?
our peaches are tiny too, I never really thought of it like you did- the tree is tiny- what was I thinking? Like I was going to have these ginormous peaches on this tiny tree that has only been in the ground 2 years! Silly me! Wishful thinking. They still taste great.
I never thought about slicing and freezing. Have you done it before? I would love to pull out a bag in the middle of winter and make a crisp!
Thanks for the idea!
Hi Julie,
We have sliced and frozen before. We do it each summer actually with all sorts of fruit. It works great!
Wow, it always amazes me to read about what other people are harvesting in other parts of the state…down here in socal we seem to get everythign so early by the time I start reading of peoples harvests I’m just about sick and tired of all the picking, eating, and pruning we do after the harvest. But a good peach does sound lovely righ now. We have ‘Gold Dust’ and ‘Early Elberta’ peaches and had those picked and devoured arond the middle of June. I should have canned some but they were really large ones ( fills the palm of your hand and then some) and they made great presents to visting family. We planted a new 4 in 1 peach tree this year I’m hoping will give us peaches over a longer period next year.
The kadota figs are ripe, got our first watermelon as well (mickee D) its sweet and little but has way too many seeds. If I send you a SASE can you send me a few ali baba seeds?
Right now I’m overwhelmed by cantaloupes…yesterday there were 12 basically deattatched from their vines ( that werent the day before) so I brought them inside before the big green fig beetles got to them. Do you know of any way to preserve a glut of them? Only thing I could find was cntaloupe pickles….but I’m not a big fan of pickles and melon pickles just seems so……weird.
what else is ripe down here…I just picked our small batch of santa rosa plums last week…the satsuma plums were about a month earlier…waiting on the persimmons and pmegranites and we went to a u-pick farm for raspberries.
Hi Cynthia, Thanks for your great response! How old are your peach trees? I’m wondering what determines the size of the fruit…is it age, variety, or something else? I’d love to have such big peaches!
I’d love to send you some seeds, but we are afraid that ours might have cross pollenated since we planted them right next to another variety. We are going to have to reorder seeds next year ourselves. We haven’t perfected our seed saving skills yet.
We are in the same boat as well for the melons too. The only thing we’ve been able to do to preserve them is make a lot of melon gelato with them. We make a huge tub of it and it lasts us all winter. It’s fantastic to have a little scoop of melon gelato in the middle of February!
My peach trees are only 2 years old, but maybe it was a fluke since it was 1 graphed branch on the tree it let the tree pump more energy to it or something, we shall see how big they are next year.
melon gelato…I never would have thought of that. This morning I just cut them up in cubes and froze them.
tomato season seems to be winding dowm, some sort of blight or canker has showed up and the leaves are starting to go brown and die from the base on up…its a toss up between canker and wilt, no idea, but even before that showed up the tomatos were getting smaller and theres only a few small green ones I’m waiting to let ripen before I probably just rip them out and plant lettuce there. It was an odd year, I did the same things I did last year ( except a new plot) yet the tomatos didnt seem to hit that same peak of productivity they did last year, even the same variety (‘Better Boy’). Funny how with gardening you never are an expert on growing something, no matter how lucky you’ve been in years prior LoL.
Oh wow, how lucky you are to have such delicious looking peaches in your garden. I think I may consider having a peach tree in my yard in the years to come. They are so nice, aren’t they?
We have apple and pear trees that produce like crazy. We also just planted a cherry tree and nectarine tree this year, so I hope next year, I’ll get a decent harvest.
Hi, we have a five(5) year old alberta fay yellow freestone peach tree, what kind of a yeld can we expect per year? Just wondering because the tree was full of fruit, but was put into shock because a worker cut a bunch of large limbs it droped all the fruit this year, we don’t know what to expect, should we take out the tree, it looks like it might be alright.