There’s a ton of great blog posts out there right now. I’m totally inspired! Here’s my favorites:
• Wasted Food by These Days in French Life – Love this blog!
• Holy &*%!@ That’s Not a Potato! by Compostings – He’s a seriously funny gardener
• Frugality in Practice: Home Canning by Get Rich Slowly – more proof that canning is cool
• Why Hang Tomatoes Upside Down? by A Taste of the Earth – I first heard about this through compostings, but this is another great read on it.
• Foraging for Dinner by (not so) Urban Hennery – garden foraging is one of my favorite ways to plan dinner too
Doug and I have been talking about doing the upside down tomatoes next year. This year was not a good year again- we need to move the spot where we’ve been planting the tomatoes, but as you know we are limited on the sunny parts of the yard with our 3 oak trees. So I thought if we hung them- it would solve a couple problems, no more staking, nice fresh soil every year in the bucket and they will be up higher to get more sun and I love the no more bending over. Plus it opens up more room underneath for some shade loving plants. I’m excited to see “A Taste of the Earth” and their methods. I will keep a mental note.
Thanks for the mention!