Looking past potatoes to the apple tree.
It’s been a long time since I’ve done a State of the Garden update. I’ve been in a bit of a blog/garden/photography slump, mainly due to how busy we’ve been, but I’m hopeful that this summer we’ll be able to slow down a bit. So I’m wondering, would you like to work together to make our gardens better? I’m thinking of hosting something along the lines of “30 Days to a Better Garden” all June that would get us all motivated to get out in the dirt and help our garden grow better. Would you be interested in taking part. Every day I would post a garden tip that would be on the easier/cheaper side to do. If that sounds like fun, leave me a comment!
We’ll have artichokes for dinner soon.
The weather here has been stellar. It’s the beautiful time of year when we don’t need to use the heater or the air conditioner. We can leave the windows open all day and not be too hot or cold. The cherries are just starting to turn red and we’ve been munching on homegrown strawberries. How’s the weather where you live?
Looking from strawberries and onions to the asparagus bed on to the onions.
The birds, bees, ladybugs, soldier beetles and other buggies are working full time to keep the garden in it’s proper working order. Life’s pretty good these days.
The back bed, full of peas, carrots, spinach, lettuce and bolting daikon radishes.
Have a great weekend!
[…] Let’s Improve Our Garden Together […]
This does sound like fun!!
As for the state of my garden (still no pics on my blog – sorry!! will try to remedy that this weekend), we’ve had rain every day for three weeks. For about ten days, it rained all day every day and the sun only came out for a total of thirty minutes. Somehow my garden didn’t rot, but i did have an explosion of slugs and caterpillars (cabbage moth, diamond back moth). I had to sacrifice my turnips and broccoli b/c they were so infested. But since removing them, things are doing much better.
The sun’s been out for two days in a row now!! My tomatoes are finally starting to look like tomatoes, peppers have a ways to go, peas are finally blooming, cucumbers are looking good, something else is eating my baby okras, lettuce/onions/herbs have perked back up, and yesterday I resorted to diatomaceous earth for bug control until it stays warm enough for my mantids to hatch.
This weather has been most unusual, but it looks like we’re headed towards one of our standard hot, humid summers.
Sounds fun! I’d participate… I’m amazed at how far along your garden is compared to mine. I’m not that far from you…in Vacaville…and my garden is so far behind yours! I’m learning…obviously I need to plant sooner! I’ll be watching for “30 Days…”.
As far as the weather here…it’s NICE. Although this weekend it’s supposed to be over 100…and I am just not ready for that!
yes, I would love some garden improvement virtual companionship! i was just out planting dill seed and vowed to go out to the garden at 6 am when it is cool instead of checking email/blogs at that time. It is only 81, but it feels hotter here today. Gotta thin out my blood for summer heat.
Yes please.
Weather down here is warming up to hell like status. It may hit 100 tomorrow and keep on going after that.
I love the idea. Go for it! I’d play along definitely.
State of my garden now is… not bad, but there’s not yet tons of life. Peas are going strong, lettuces too. Just about everything else is in and getting ready.
You inspired me to do a garden post! To improvement!
I’m a little late, but I would love to participate, too. I live in Niagara Falls, NY and this year is the first time I am trying to grow veggies directly in the ground! Seems like anything else I throw in thrives, so I figured I would give it a shot. Some things I threw in without amending the soil at all (just adding seaweed and fish fertilizer), and others I actually created a new plot for (some of our peppers, watermelon, and asparagus!). It’s a grand experiment indeed, and always looking to learn new things and improve my gardening skills.