While it’s easy to see what’s growing above ground, it’s a bit of mystery on what’s growing under the ground, so we get a little curious and start to peek.
Daikon radish bloom
We knew the daikons weren’t going to do well for us this spring, but we are so into our new kimchi recipe that we couldn’t wait until the recommended fall. Well it serves our impatient nature right by bolting straight away and giving us piddly little roots. Have you seen them at the farmers markets? Daikon’s can be monsterous! We’ll try again in fall.
mini daikon radishes
Back when we first planted our onions at the very end of January I counted forward 100 days (the tags estimated date of maturity) to May 5th. We’ll they aren’t ready. Not that we haven’t picked a few to use as young spring onions, but it’s not time to pull them out and let them dry. We’ve still got at least a month to go. I’ll let you know.
We planted our potatoes on the same day as the spinach and daikon seeds, February 27th. And it looks like we’ve gotten our moneys worth on the Red Golds at least. We planted 1lb of them in this box and from one plant we’ve gotten 1.2lbs. Six more plants to dig. Of course this isn’t anything close to Sinfonian’s 100lb of potatoes, but it’s enough to enjoy with dinner. They were the creamiest potates I’ve every had.
[…] Onions, Potatoes, and Daikons. Oh My! […]
Okay. I have Yukon Gold and new reds planted about the same time as you. I reluctantly mounded. Soon after, fungus struck. It looks like brown spot or perhaps its more accurately called blight. Nonetheless, I went out and pulled the dripline and pruned off all the infected leaves that I could see. My plan is to let them dry out a bit and only irrigate with furrows. If the problem persists, I think I’ll use sulfur; but I’m afraid that might burn the leaves.
I would like to know your thoughts on this plan. There were peas, radishes, and carrots growing in the same raised bed as the potatoes with no problems. Those plants are now gone and I need to consider what to plant in their place. I was thinking of transplanting my cantaloupe. Do you have any suggestions?
I would call our Farm Advisor, but it’s a 3 day weekend.
Happy Harvesting.
Hi Maybelline, I wish I could give you good advice on this problem you’re having. We don’t have much experience with blight and especially blight or black spots on potatoes. Have you tried digging a few up to see if the spots are affecting the potato growth?
The fact that you even tried to grow daikon is an inspiration. I bought salsify and rampion but feel a little intimidated – no luck with carrots last year and I am still patiently waiting for the beets this year!