I stumbled onto your blog from a post you left at sew liberated.
You have such a beautiful blog!! I’m not a gardener, but I love to cook with all the beautiful ingredients that come from great gardeners like yourselves.
I adore Sonoma, and try and make frequent trips there, especially to eat at Girl & The Fig
I live out in Walnut Creek, so I’m not too far.
I’m going to pass your blog onto a good friend of mine, who is a gardener, and also loves Sonoma.
Hi Jo, You know I don’t know if these seeds will save well, they are hybrids I believe. I don’t remember the name of the seeds, but they are from the company Renee’s Garden which they sell in our hardware store.
Erin, your sweet peas are beautiful! Maybe I’ll try for those colors next year.
Maybelline, I don’t have a favorite variety of sweet peas. I love them all, but have a very if-y growing relationship with them, so my favorites are whichever ones happen to bloom and if they have a fragrance, all the better!
Elizabeth, I grew up in Walnut Creek, my parents still live just over the border in Concord! We love the Girl & the Fig too!
That’s a gorgeous color! I don’t think I’ve ever seen sweet peas that color. Don’t suppose you save or trade seed?
gorgeous! I forget the name of those but I had some very similar last year. I posted sweet peas too
My sweet peas are long gone. This year the scent wasn’t strong at all. What variety do you prefer?
I stumbled onto your blog from a post you left at sew liberated.
You have such a beautiful blog!! I’m not a gardener, but I love to cook with all the beautiful ingredients that come from great gardeners like yourselves.
I adore Sonoma, and try and make frequent trips there, especially to eat at Girl & The Fig
I live out in Walnut Creek, so I’m not too far.
I’m going to pass your blog onto a good friend of mine, who is a gardener, and also loves Sonoma.
Hi Jo, You know I don’t know if these seeds will save well, they are hybrids I believe. I don’t remember the name of the seeds, but they are from the company Renee’s Garden which they sell in our hardware store.
Erin, your sweet peas are beautiful! Maybe I’ll try for those colors next year.
Maybelline, I don’t have a favorite variety of sweet peas. I love them all, but have a very if-y growing relationship with them, so my favorites are whichever ones happen to bloom and if they have a fragrance, all the better!
Elizabeth, I grew up in Walnut Creek, my parents still live just over the border in Concord! We love the Girl & the Fig too!
I love that vibrant purple color!