I can’t believe that there are only about five more weeks left in my pregnancy! How quickly time flies! I am so anxious to welcome this little girl into our home full of boys. So far this pregnancy has been quite easy and very enjoyable, which has been a lifesaver having two busy little boys already. I know it will most likely be my last so I’ve been trying to enjoy it best I can. Even with these last trimester aches and pains and low energy. I’ll be back to my old self before I know it.
Although I’m far from an expert, I thought I’d share with you what I’ve been doing during this pregnancy to ensure that it is a little more natural. I know some of you know many more tips than I do and I’d love for you to share them in the comments, but here is what I’ve been doing so far.
- Prenatal Vitamin – I heard once that you get your money’s worth when you buy cheap vitamins. I don’t know how true it is, but I heard that the cheap one-a-day vitamins just pass right through you whole. So for this pregnancy I decided to splurge a little on vitamins and bought these Super Nutrition vitamins. They are green-food based tablets which help for quick digestion (about 15 minutes). I take them after dinner, because taking them any other time of day made me completely nasceous during the first and second trimester. This vitamin combined with Prenatal DHA
sample tablets that a kind Whole Foods worker handed to me (a huge stack of them – so sweet of her) have been keeping me feeling good.
- Easing Morning Sickness with Milk Thistle – For my two previous pregnancies I had awful morning sickness. Luckily it really was just limited to the morning, but it was full of throwing up and just awful none the less. So when I first found out I was pregnant for the third time I did some research on how to lessen morning sickness and found this post on mothering.com. The basis of the info says that the liver is what takes it the hardest during the early parts of pregnancy and what helps out the liver is milk thistle. Ideally you want to start taking this before you become pregnant. Since this pregnancy was a surprise, I didn’t have time to do that, but I started taking it as soon as I could and although it didn’t get rid of my morning sickness, this was the easiest first trimester I have had, which was a blessing. Was it due to the milk thistle? I don’t know, but it can’t hurt to take it, so give it a try.
- Red Raspberry Leaf Tea – Since my last pregnancy I had read up on how good drinking red raspberry leaf tea was for you during pregnancy. It supposedly, when drank regularly, can aid in shorter, less complicated labors. Red raspberry leaf tea is said to strengthen and tone the uterus too. I, unfortunately in the name of natural living, have to have a planned c-section with this pregnancy due to a very thin uterian wall. But I have been drinking red raspberry leaf both hot and iced anyway to at least strengthen my uterus. It is also high in iron, which is good for my pregnancy induced anemia. More reading can be found here.
- Nettle Tea – Stinging nettle is also another good pregnancy herb to have on hand. Luckily about a year ago I won a contest where I was sent a huge bag full of dried nettle leaves from Mountain Rose Herbs and have enjoyed drinking regular infusions. Nowadays I mix it with the raspberry leaf tea I have to make my own pregnancy tea. Nettles are chalk full of nutrition, especially folic acid which is important during pregnancy. It also, along with red raspberry leaf tea increases breast milk which will be helpful next month!
- Preventing Stretch Marks – I already have my fill of stretch marks from my first two pregnancies, but I thought it couldn’t hurt to take preventative measures to avoid any more. So through some research I found that coconut oil is great for skin and for preventing stretch marks. I rub coconut oil directly onto my stomach in the evenings and I use my homemade hand lotion on my belly every morning, but instead use half olive oil and half coconut oil when I make it. So far, even though I’m as big as I’ve ever been there haven’t been any new stretch marks! Yahoo!
- Easing my Mind – As you know, I have energetic 6 year old and soon to be 4 year old boys which can be exhausting to follow through the day even when not pregnant! I know how important keeping your stress levels low are during pregnancy, but between the boys and my business, staying calm constantly seemed impossible. Luckily as the good world turns, I met the founder of the Hearth Foundation and encouraged her to teach a non denominational meditation class to myself and a few other moms here in town. Learning this practice, which I try to do daily has been an incredible live saver both in parenting my two growing children and for keeping my stress levels low while growing a new little bean.
What have you found helpful during your pregnancies?
Enjoy this special time. You look healthy and vibrant like your garden.
You look beautiful. I remember all of the trips to the herbalist when I was pregnant. I also know another blogger growing more than a garden this season.
I have had 5 babies born at home, all natural pregnancies. My last two were born here in our home in Africa.
I’m snuggling my 8 month old now as I type.
Using herbs and doing things naturally is so fulfilling. I’m proud of you for doing what you are doing and enjoying your pregnancy.
Keep us updated!
you look absolutely stunningly gorgeous, mama!!! i do red raspberry leaf too, but i’ve been using cocoa butter for the belly. thanks for the tip on coconut oil! we use it for cooking, so there’s plenty to go around! for iron, my teacher made a yellow dock molasses syrup – just super strong yellow dock (root) tea mixed with molasses. very yummy. so excited for you!
Oh, what a beautiful picture
You look great. Can’t believe how soon she’s going to be coming into this world. Can’t wait to meet the little beauty. I’ll be back this weekend so maybe we can get together next week – Ryder starts school on Wednesday !
You look amazing! I wish I had done more to make my pregnancies more natural. If I had another (we have 3 now) I would have a doula and home birth. My youngest was almost born in the parking lot of the hospital, I wouldn’t want to do that again. Labor at home was so much easier than in a hospital. All the techniques you are using sound great, I wish I had know about them. Wishing you and your family the very best!
Please tell me more about the meditation. My daughter certainly could use something like that.
Maybelline, check out the Hearth Foundation website, they give online classes which your daughter might enjoy!
Great tips! I especially like your last one. I loved both pregnancies, but the births was the part that set both apart. My natural childbirth in the hospital with the “doctor in midwife’s clothing” was an exercise in pain tolerance. The videos we say in our Bradley classes gave me a real false sense of reality. 22 hours of back labor is painful! Knowing what to expect the second time around, was helpful, as were the hypnobirthing classes.
oh, and I forgot the most important part – a better practice and birthing at a birth center and going home 3 hours later were amazing.
I most likely will have to do a c-section too and I am very much into natural things. I’m wondering what you are doing regarding medication during and after for recovery? I’m having a hard time finding much information about any natural kinds of pain meds for this type of situation.
Amber, I wish I could give you good advice about natural pain medications, but I left that part of the experience up to the doctors & nurses. I wish you well with your upcoming birth!