If any of you follow elsie marley, you’ll know that this week is her Kid’s Clothes Week Challenge. I’ve never participated before, not because I don’t sew, but because I’ve never gotten myself organized enough to do it. I did manage to fit two hours into this week of sew time, but being that I’ve got my hands in so many other projects, sewing is slow around here. So I thought I’d show you what I’ve made this quarter. And really, it’s just plain cheating as two items are knitted and one my mom sewed.
Early in summer our little girl started to ambulate in a most amusing manner, she began to scoot on her rear. Very funny to watch, but not so easy on her light pink pant bottoms. A new pair of darker pants were needed to hide my lackadaisical mopping tendencies.
I used an old shirt of Scott’s for these with a little decoration inspired by Alabama Chanin.
Next up, I finished this little cardigan for her and asked my mom to sew up this Oliver + S Birthday Party Dress to match. So cute! And what a masterful job my mom did, as always. There are so many pieces to this little dress, I cannot believe the detail work.
And this is what I turned out this week in my two hours. Another little play outfit from some of my old t-shirts.
I even managed to finish this sweater for myself. Sorry for the crummy photo, I’m still trying to figure out self portraits. As you can see, I have a lot to learn still. This is my very favorite sweater that I’ve made to date. Details on ravelry.
And thanks to those who clued us into the fact that that Sulfur Shelf mushroom I showed last week was edible! We sauteed it up and ate only a few pieces (to make sure we didn’t get sick from it) and then read that if you find them growing on eucalyptus trees you shouldn’t eat them. Hmmm, that’s exactly where we found it. However it didn’t make us sick. Not sure if we should continue to eat them or avoid them, any advice?
Were any of you able to get some kids clothing sewn this week?
I’ve got nothing for you on the ‘shrooms. However, the sweater, the cardigan and the pants. Adorable.
phewy! When I follow the links it tells me the picture is private and I don’t have permission to view it!!
oops posted that and then scrolled up and am guessing that these pictures are the ones that I can’t go to directly! Will be more observant in the future
Love reading your posts.
Don’t know much about mushrooms – but I do know the rule is ‘If not sure – do not eat!’. They can be very toxic.
Great job on the sweaters!
The clothes are so cute. I really liked your sweater. I to love to sew but don’t have alot of time. Is it hard to make a sweater like the one your wearing?
This is your mother speaking. Stop eating strange mushrooms! I want my grandbabies to have two parents, both healthy and live! Love the clothes and sweater. Can’t wait till I get mine.
This is your “favorite” son in law speaking..Don’t worry so much, we’ll be fine:-)
My understanding is that sulfur shelf (“chicken of the woods”) mushrooms can occasionally cause allergic reactions, and that the subspecies that grows on Eucalyptus trees is slightly more likely to do this. I’d eat them cautiously the first few times in case you become sensitized and develop an allergy.
Cool knitting patterns! I will definitely have to bookmark that sweater pattern!
Amazing blog, by the way
I’m so glad I read this tonight! I totally forgot that I promised my son I’d sew spots on his dog Halloween costume tonight, and he’d have been really upset if I forgot. My mom sewed the bodies of my kids’ costumes, I’m just doing the decorative flairs. But, hey, gotta start somewhere, right?
I like the sweater too!