Spring fever has hit hard around these parts. The weather has been sunny and in the seventies. This weather has spurred us to order 15 yards of compost, 15 yards of mulch and 1000 feet of drip tubing. We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us! The past couple of weeks I’ve been collecting a great little list of links for you to peruse before you start your spring garden. Have you found any good gardening links lately?
My parents recently went to go visit Annie’s Annuals in Richmond, not too far from here and they brought back last years catalog. Stunning! The most beautiful plant catalog I’ve looked through. Annie’s Annuals focuses on both annual and perennials that do well in our California climate. My mom has been slowly collecting California natives to plant in her backyard and Annie’s is a great source for her. Please go sign up for their catalog, it’s gorgeous! Even if you are not in California, it’s worth getting the catalog and I’m sure you’ll find one or two things that can grow where you live.
What veggies are the most profitable to grow? I’ve often thought about that as we’ve chosen what’s going to go into our garden. Not that we are in it to make a profit, as we’ve never sold anything we’ve grown. But if one of the reasons you garden is to save money, doesn’t it make sense to skew your seed purchases towards things that are expensive to grow in the store yet easy to grow at home? This blog post gives a breakdown of what’s most profitable to grow at home. Cilantro…who woulda thought.
I LOVE this site. You simply enter in your zip code and it tells you exactly what seeds to plant this week. It even gives you a sneak peek into what to start in future weeks so you know to stock up on seeds. Brilliant! I have it set to Sonoma, but you can change it to your zip code.
Do you know what zone you are in? It’s a good thing to check before the growing season begins. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (I’d say they’d be a reliable source), we’re in zone 9b. (via Urban Farm & Beehives)
I am geeking out BIG-TIME over that; it’s just what I needed. Thank you so much for sharing it
“that do well in our California climate” – doesn’t everything do well in your California climate??
I garden vicariously through you. I live in the woods.
USDA a great source for growing advice but not so good for nutritional advice
Thank you sooo much for the Sprout Robot link! Very handy for my 6200 ft. California climate!
great links, thanks for sharing!
Is arugula really that valued? If I could sell all that I’ve got in my garden right now, I’d be rich!
Your link to the blog post about what are the most profitable garden crops per sq foot is SO PERFECT! Thanks so much as I never would have even thought to look for this info!
I just bookmarked the Sprout Robot! Just what I needed!
Hi Kendra!
Love the sproutrobot site – that is so cool. Thanks!
Beautiful photos of your rooster and the neighbor peacock too. Fun!
I have been getting the spring garden itch Big Time. We fluffed up the strawberry patch yesterday morning…and I am just dying to plant peas. I bought the seeds but haven’t managed to sow them yet…
your link to the sproutrobot website was absolutely amazing! So much information AND I was informed that I needed to get busy in the garden quickly! Some of the things we had trouble with last year were due to late planting…. So now I have the “heads-up” on what to plant and when. So I am very excited to get started. Thank you so much for all of your valuable information