The flowers are really coming alive outside! This month’s round up made me teary eyed reading all the old posts…announcing a pregnancy, moving, saying goodbye, an oh, that cherry tart! A lot has happened in four years. Without further ado, Four Years of Mays:
- Triple Digits
- Ever Curious About What Horseradish Looks Like?
- purslane stew
- harvesting cherries & garlic
- radishes
- oh cauliflower, you’re so dreamy
- Taste this!
- Tomato & Squash Update
- sore & achey with broccoli
- Sharing the Harvest
- Free Subscription to Organic Gardening Magazine
- A reminder to eat well
- Let’s Improve Our Garden Together
- Merlo Nero vs. Bloomsdale Spinach
- Onions, Potatoes, and Daikons. Oh My!
- 5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Eat
- Book Giveaway
- Happy May Day
- Across the World Garden Connections
- A new kind of raised bed
- Three New Chicks & Sally the Miracle Chicken
- Roses & Cedar Waxwings
- Growing a New Variety – a Daughter
- Up a Tree with Cherries & Chicks
- How to Make Homemade Laundry Detergent
For a minute there, I thought, “They moved more recently than that!!” Isn’t it amazing how fast time goes. I think having little ones seems to make it more momentous — things change so fast.
I can’t believe it’s almost been a year either!
Hi Kendra! Just wondering how your kombucha is coming along? I remember you mentioning that you had one and thought of you.
Hi Sherrie, my kombucha is going nowhere! I ordered a culture or whatever you call it and you put it in a jar of tea for 8 weeks and it’s supposed to form a new one. It’s been in there for a good 12+ weeks and it hasn’t multiplied….not sure what to do about that!
Gorgeous flowers, I can practically smell them!
Your flowers are gorgeous. I can’t believe I’ve been following you for 2 years.
Hi happygirl, I’m so happy you’ve stuck around for 2 years. I love reading your comments!