In seemingly an instant the Love in a Mists went from their feathering seeding stage to up and blooming, then petals falling and their great seed heads forming, signalling that we’ve been here on this property for one full year.
I finished my mittens, and now onto my naturally dyed sweater. I dove right in without much forethought as I knew that if ever I start to research and plan I’ll get stuck in details. The sweater will be based on Elizabeth Zimmerman’s fair isle yoke sweater. I can’t wait to see how this progresses. I have no idea if any of the above colors are colorfast. I used a mordant in each case, but I’ve heard that is no guarantee. If all fails I’ll throw the whole sweater into a vat of RIT dye and call it a day. Oh and I finally got a passable green, you can see in the upper left, it’s artichoke! My friend Jen told me about getting blue with black beans! If I have anymore white left over after the sweater I’m trying that for sure!
In other news of ‘Kendra dives in without over thinking things’ the bees seem quite happy. I need to open them back up for the third time and see if Hive Left needs a super yet. Why they are so slow to build when their sister hive is three tall and I’m expecting will need yet another super is a mystery to me.
When Scott’s not been busy digging or building or working, he’s been out salmon fishing and taking the boys crabbing and clamming. Grilled salmon, homemade lox, crab cakes and clam chowder have been on the menu the past week.
I hope all is well in your world!
Oh, homemade gravlax and crabs. yum. You must be busy every minute of the day. The mittens are beautiful.
I was excited when you posted your new bee hive adventure because I started my two hives this year as well. Currently, the funny thing is, is that one of our hives is very slow to grow as well. My local bee guru shrugged and asked “Do you have kids” I replied “Yip, two grown,” he replied, “Bees are just like kids, everyday is a new challenged, just try not to over fuss, check on em once in awhile, and they will more than likely do just fine.”
Wow! Your natural dye yarn basket looks so full!! I can’t wait to see how your “dive in” project turns out….I’m sure the colours will wear naturally and beautifully…
The mittens are beautiful….and the basket of naturally dyed yarns are pretty as a picture! like a lovely still life…
When I found this blog last week I decided to take up knitting too. It’s slow progress but I’m getting there. Starting with a simple scarf so I can learn the different stitches and the patterns. Your natural dyed wool looks fabulous, maybe in a couple of month when I’ve had more practice and stop dropping stitches…
Can’t wait to see the bean dye. I’ve read interesting things about it! Everything looks lovely.
Ah, all of my favorite things. Sigh. I love the chicken coop upgrade as well. Very lovely!
I always tell folks to start with two hives instead of one. The difference in the two is always educational.
Would you post your recipe for the homemade lox?
You are such a beautiful knitter! Your sweaters always look so professional. And, I love the dyes you choose for the yarn!