The chicken coop tour went well this weekend. I think it must have raised a good little amount for our favorite Garden Park. Having two neighbors on the tour was fantastic too as it added to a more community feeling.
I met a fellow Sonoman blogger on the tour who thinks she might have insight into Francesco’s past rooster life, you’ll have to read all about it. That inspired me to get onto something I’ve been meaning to do…update the list of garden blogs, up on that top tab. This time I want to feature local Sonoma blogs first followed by all other good garden blogs. So that begs the question, which are your favorite garden based blogs? Do you have one of your own? Leave it in the comment section and I’ll round them all up.
Here are a few of the Sonoma county growing-based blogs I know about, but I’d love to hear of more:
- the girl & the fig farm project – chronicling farm life behind one of Sonoma’s most popular restaurants
- Nix Chix – tales from a chicken farmer
- Left Coast Cowboys – totally entertaining blog from two city kids turned country landowners/gardeners/winemakers
- Well, One of My Blogs – an industrious woman who’s tackling homeownership, beekeeping and gardening
- Weekend Edible – a familiar looking garden, carrying on it’s produce production by a talented fiber artist
- iGrow Sonoma – relevant gardening advice from two ladies who know what they’re talking about
Woah, that’s me! Thanks so much for including me, I feel so flattered! I was hoping to make it to the chicken tour this weekend, but laziness took over instead. Glad to hear it went well!
Glad to hear your tour went well & you found local compadres. My favorite garden blogs are,,,, & yours. I dont read too many garden blogs but I do a few here & there. Cant wait to see your list. Do you know, I’ve never seen that Garden Blogs tab before.. surely I did when I first found your blog..but that was a while ago.
Thanks for the info. Good stuff to know!
So proud and pleased to be featured here, although my blog is only illuminating in terms of “what not to do” or “learn from my mistakes”. In that vein, I love the Sonoma County Master Gardeners site. Especially since so many gardening books and blogs are written by English people and Easterners (whose gardening tips have no relevance in the Sonoma climate), the Master Gardeners have really saved me, on many occasions, from making even more mistakes. Find ’em here:
Your gardening blog is my favorite!
It’s actually the only gardening blog I follow. I’m what some would call “indoorsy,” so I like following your posts to try and ramp up some inspiration to go outside and get dirty. Over the weekend we planted some flowers in one of our five bare flower beds and it’s given me courage to move on to number two. I’m going to wait it out though to see if these flowers survive until next payday before investing any more money into something that we don’t even know what we’re doing.
Any tips for what a beginner should plant? I’m thinking lavender in one bed since they’re my all time favorite, and I also want to plant some type of produce, but I have to do that in pots because I think I will have to move them into a garage or something during the winter (I live in Southwest Pennyslvania) and they will be off the ground so rabbits won’t eat them.
In short. I love your blog
Aww, thanks for including weekend edible … it’s coming along but as you know, I have some BIG shoes to fill! I don’t know how I would have made it as far as I have without this blog as a wonderful inspiration! We SO wanted to visit your new garden but the stomach flu bug hit our house this weekend.
The autuor of one of my favorite garden blogs kicked it off with these thoughts: “All of these paths converge in the garden: beauty, ecology, experiential learning, nutrition, community service, character education, whimsy, engagement of all the senses. Add kids to gardens, and “What’s not to like?” As the blog’s tagline states, it’s a facinating, insightful, and inspiring telling of “All The Good Things That Happen In School Gardens” at
I love my hubby’s blog – I always wanted to capture all of what we grow but now that he has his own blog I can focus on my stuff!!