We’ve been harvesting green beans like crazy around here. We did a big long row of bush beans, both green and yellow and also purple pole beans which has yielded countless dinners, four frozen quarts and five pints of pickled green beans, with yet another heaping pile in the fridge. In years past we’ve grown a handful of bush bean plants that have provided enough for a few dinners. This year we feel incredibly spoiled.
The melons have grown so that it’s now a lush carpet of vines. Be careful of where you step!
The flowers are enjoying a fall resurgence, school starts today for our boys and I hope that means blogging will become more a part of the routine again.
Happy September!
I love the layout of your website did you do it yourself?
Sent from my iPhone
amanda – the layout is a wordpress theme.
There’s nothing like picking your dinner in the garden! Your garden is truly lovely.
Thanks Frances!
Hi! I dearly wish that you would always put something with the word “Sonoma” in your return address when you send email. I’m afraid that I easily might miss your postings and accidentally delete them when I go through my mail and wipe out, without opening, all the email from sources I don’t recognize & people I don’t know and that looks like spam. I love your recipes, beautiful photos and friendly comments! Jan Weber Fancypatch Herb Garden PO Box 1042 Linden, CA 95236
Fancy, I can’t customize the e-mails that are sent out as they are automatic from Feedburner. Try subscribing in Google Reader instead.
I so look forward to reading your e-mails. It is the best one I get. Hope your boys are enjoying school. I am a 69 yr old grandmother( don’t breathe that age) of 10 grandchildren and 3 great grand s. I plant ahuge garden and raise my own chickens for eggs and I so enjoy doing that and being able to. I thank God everyday. You said in your e-mail about your beans, well I too had a banner year with bush snaps and bush limas. We live in two differnet ares of the country but can get the same results from gardening if you work at it. Thanks again for you e-mails, I look for to yours and Tipnut. Have a Blessed Day, Sincerely, Rhena Melancon
Your garden always reminds me that more water would be a good idea around here. There’s too much fallow.