10 Years Ago


10 years ago we were married, on a roasting hot day here in Sonoma. We tried to keep it a simple affair a mid-day gathering at a local restaurant. We didn’t want our friends and family and ourselves to be caught in a sea of terrible expense or stress. It was a lovely day. My mom made my dress. While we were scheming on the design, my grandma found a box from her mom, it had a handwritten note inside that said, ‘For Kendra’s wedding dress.’ I was the first great-granddaughter for 10 years, you see, and I’m sure when she, a masterful seamstress, wrote that there was no question that of course a wedding dress was to be handmade! It was a section of beading from her wedding dress from 1918. That then became the central theme of the dress, matching beaded material was found. My mom’s wedding dress buttons were reused on the back. It was gorgeous!

10 years ago we just had heads full of dreams. We wanted a house and some children and a thriving garden and certainly chickens. We wanted to travel, cook good meals and entertain friends. On our honeymoon we broke ground on our first garden together. We’ve had many successes and failures, droughts and floods, births and deaths both in the garden and in life these 10 years. It’s an epic journey, life and marriage. And I can’t wait to find out where it takes us next.


  1. Judy Heidinger says

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY you 2!! And may grant you many more years together!! I enjoy your site a lot! Keep it up but mostly, love and cherish that family God has granted you!.

  2. Jo says

    Congratulations! 10 years is quite a milestone. This Saturday, my dear husband and I will be celebrating our 28th wedding anniversary and 30th anniversary of our first date. The ups and downs of life will either draw a couple together or push a couple apart; may the ups and downs of life continue to draw you and your husband together.

  3. mamabarr says

    I love following your blog! Ive picked up so many great ideas to try all the way over here in northeastern PA :). I just wanted to wish you a very happy anniversary…we our celebrating our fifth tomorrow, and i cant believe how much has happened in such a short time! Cheers!

  4. Frances says

    A very special dress made of beads and buttons and lots and lots of love.
    I’m sure you’ll pass it all on. Congratulations!

  5. Michelle says

    Best wishes on your anniversary -and for many happy years to come! What a wonderful bit of family history in your dress, thank you for sharing the story and lovely pictures.

  6. says

    Congratulations on 10 years of marriage – these days, that’s an impressive mile stone! I really enjoyed reading the story and looking at the pictures of your wedding dress – so beautiful, all of it. Best wishes for the next 10! x

  7. says

    Ten years … a milestone in this day and age.
    Your dress, made with love ,a wonderful beginning.
    My wish for you , to know that each day you spend together is a blessing.
    Never let the little things get in the way of your lives together.
    I spent 47 years living and loving my husband, now I wish you and yours 47+ years of living and loving.

  8. says

    Oh how beautiful!!!! I love your wedding story! And what a treasure of a dress…my husbands grandmother sent me Edwardian lace hoping that I would use it in my gown…and I fell in love with it immediately! How sweet…I hope to do that someday for my daughter and granddaughters.

  9. whatever says

    Wonderful story about your wedding dress involving your mother and grandmother! Congratulations and God bless you in the coming years!

  10. Angie says

    Happy Anniversary! I have my grandmother’s wedding dress and it has the exact beading in the back! 32 buttons if I remember correctly. Thanks for sharing your beautiful story.

  11. says

    Fantastic – beautiful story – beautiful pictures and wonderful comments – a heartwarming way to greet a chilly morning in New Hampshire. Thanks and <3's to you all.

  12. Susan McClellan says

    May you have as many years of happiness in your new home as my parents did there! Congratulations on your tenth anniversary!

  13. says

    Congratulations! What a blessing to have so many generations of happy hearts at work to create that beautiful dress which you wore so well. Simply gorgeous!

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