The days around here have been non-stop the past two weeks. The Littlest got sick, then the Biggest, followed by the Middle one. The Middle one had a birthday, which he was sick for, the next day the Biggest broke his toe at TaeKwonDo practice. After a full afternoon at the Doctors getting x-rays and waiting for hours with a potty-training, non-napping two year old alongside, we were told there is nothing you can do about a broken toe. So we went home. The next morning I took the Middle one back to the Doctor for an eye exam to find he needs glasses. ‘Oh good!’ I said excitedly, ‘We’ll be twins now!’ Eager to pick out some adorable little boy glasses we headed to the kids glasses display where the Littlest had a potty training accident right there on the carpet and then immediately spilled her apple juice that the seemingly well intentioned nurse gave her. What followed was a classic body twisting tantrum of epic proportions. We couldn’t pick out frames fast enough and get out of there!
Through the chaos, we’ve been able to gather together the past two weekends as a family for harvesting walnuts. It’s a pretty nice few moments, after a whirlwind week, to work together under shady trees finding and hulling walnuts. Walnuts usually lead to picking tomatoes, peppers, melons, cucumbers, squash, one thing leads to the next.
And of course a bit more honey. These couple frames of honey tastes so much different from the last. It’s strong in flavor and we are in debate about whether we like the taste at all. What have they been feasting on the past couple of weeks?
(Honey laden beeswax for the girls to clean off and lavender stalks for the bees to perch on for drinking water. All in my new top feeder)
Luckily the days have slowed down back to their normal pace. The toe is almost back to normal, the glasses turned out to be cute as a bug on him and the Littlest one is back to napping. The potty training is going pretty well.
I’ve gotten back to work on some more body care recipes I can’t wait to share with you. I’m hoping to develop five solid recipes into a little booklet with labels to print. Hopefully it will be perfect for Holiday present making. How does that sound? I have a new lip balm recipe that only calls for 3 ingredients and I’m seriously addicted to! It’s really incredible. I’m putting the finishing touches on a face scrub that has my skin feeling like silk and I figured out how to turn my trusty Beeswax Lotion recipe into a body butter that goes on just like, well, butter. And there is a little something for the men in our lives I’m trying to perfect too. I’m excited about all of them. I’ll keep you updated!
All these recipies sound great! Can’t wait!
Can’t wait for all your body care product recipes! I made body butter and bath salts for teacher and friend gifts last year and everyone loved them! ~ glad to hear things have calmed down a bit for you. I had a similar week of the unpredictable with children. Hoping for a little serenity this week for us all!
Can’t wait!
Quite a couple of weeks. I’m glad everything is settling down. Looking forward to your new recipes and labels, too!
Love seeing your honey harvest! beautiful honey caps ~ I don’t have enough honey to steel this year, keeping my fingers crossed that there is enough for my girls’ winter feasting.
Did you learn to use the toolbar hive from a book? If so which one? I love the honey and lavender idea.
Looking forward to the recipe book. And I know just who will love it for a christmas gift – thanks!
Life is so unpredictable when the kids are those ages…well, the chaos is predictable I suppose!
We have a walnut tree out back and every year I wonder if gathering the walnuts is worth my while. Is it an awful lot of work?
Every family has their moments, and we all can relate. I broke my toe when I was young by kicking my brother, of all things. Did the same thing as far as x-rays and everything just to find out there was no treatment. Why don’t they just tell you that at the beginning? Anyway, glad to hear things are almost back to normal for you. I can’t wait to see your new body care recipes. I love making my own.
I’m so exited about the face scrub recipe! What do you use for a daily face wash? I have oily/normal skin and haven’t been able to find anything that has all natural ingredients without making me break out!
Those days just seem to go with the territory, alas. But the calm moments are probably worth it all. Things look great.