Simple Handcrafted Body Care e-Booklet

I’m so happy to share with you my new (and first!) e-booklet called Simple Handcrafted Body Care! This was such fun to make, from recipe creation to packaging to photography to book design. I enjoyed it all. And I hope you will enjoy it as well.

So what’s in it? Well, there are five easy to make and basic body care recipes in here. There are no fancy, unheard of ingredients nor is there a long laundry list of things you need to buy. In fact most you can find in your local health food store and I don’t think there is any recipe that call for more than five ingredients. Each recipe comes with tips on how you can customize the item to your lifestyle, needs and budget. This booklet is for the beginner and for the experienced. I also created this with gift giving in mind, so there are packaging ideas along with labels that you can print out.
Included recipes are:

  • Honey Kissed Lip Balm – I know I’ve already posted a ‘chapstick‘ recipe, but this one trumps that, I feel. With only three basic ingredients, this feels so luxurious. I put it on every single day and not only does it keep my lips smooth and moist, but it smells and tastes just like honey!
  • Body Butter – This was a fun one to figure out too. I took the basic Beeswax Lotion recipe, which you are familiar with and with one extra ingredient turned it into a sumptuous body butter. Making it into a butter and using safflower oil instead of olive oil, it becomes lighter and less greasy. Now I use it as a daily face cream and when my hair get frizzy I can even use it to tame fly-aways. I also discovered on Halloween, when I went a little overboard with the eye makeup, that you can use it as cold cream! It took every last smudge of sparkly eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara off my eyes.
  • Spicy Aftershave – A few years ago I tried making an aftershave for Scott that called for rum as a base. Not only did he walk around smelling like a drunk pirate, but he said it was sticky. This does not call for rum nor will it make the man in your life have a sticky face. Instead it will make his face feel refreshed after shaving and he’ll smell darn nice too. I’ve included two different aroma combinations with inspiration for creating your own.
  • Bath Salts – Have you tried bath salts before? Boy do they make the bath a whole different experience. This recipe makes the water just a bit effervescent and you step out of your bath with softer skin and smelling oh so faintly of a flower garden. Lovely!
  • Microdermabrasion Facial Scrub – A handful of years ago I bought a microdermabrasion facial kit that cost $50! It made my face feel soft, but it smelled of chemicals and for a little tube, it seemed pretty expensive to me! This facial scrub is every bit as good, but it smells of honey and lavender and my face really seems to glow after I use it. This recipe makes enough to use about a dozen times. I bet you have the ingredients to make this in your kitchen right now!

You know we have three kids and we have to be out of the door, breakfast eaten, lunches packed, early in the morning. To have these things on hand in the bathroom makes those circus-like mornings a bit calmer for me. And I hope they will for you too!

Unlike my previous recipes I am asking for a nominal fee for this booklet. But I also worked to make this an easy to use and beautiful pdf booklet that you can download immediately. With labels included, you can get your holiday gift giving made easily and economically!

Click the button below to get your copy!

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  1. Deborah says

    Thanks so much Kendra! I’ve been looking forward to this…well done! I don’t know where you find the time:) Deborah

  2. Carol says

    Bought! Been waiting for this since you mentioned it. Since I found your site I have been able to replace all my normal store bought lotions with homemade!

  3. says

    Good for you, hope you sell a million of these. I love your blog and look forward to sharing this link with my other friends here in Cuenca Ecuador so they can buy the book too. Alot of the ladies here want to make their own lotions etc. due to the high cost of the US imported products. Thanks Again!

  4. juliewitt says

    Great booklet! Lovely photos. I have made your chapstick and body lotion in the past and love them. Can’t wait to try the lip balm and body butter first, then the scrub and bath salts. Hubby has never used any aftershave products but maybe I can convert him! Thanks so much.

    • asonomagarden says

      Willemina, were you able to resolve the Paypal issue? I saw someone from New Zealand bought one and didn’t know if that was you or not. Hopefully it was just a momentary glip on the part of Paypal!

  5. says

    A Note re: the coconut oil requirements —
    I already asked Kendra whether we should use refined or unrefined coconut oil and she said that either work great, but unrefined has a more coconut scent than the refined.

  6. Michaela Kalemba says

    Got it! Thank you! That was so easy to purchase. I have already made your woodland walk lotion- which I LOVE!

  7. muralmommy23 says

    Woohoo! More homemade Christmas gifts to give out! I use the old chapstick recipe daily and can’t wait to try the honey.

  8. Melissa says

    I just purchased the booklet and am excited to try them :) I already make all of my own body care products and love trying new ones….I normally make them for Christmas for family and am excited to try the body butter…they already love the beeswax lotion which is what I usually make, but am not fond of the greasiness of it….Thank you for all the hard work you do!!! :)

  9. Lauren Abdulrahman says

    Love your booklet – it is so very beautiful! Just wondering, since the body butter has oil and what keeps it from needing preservative like the lotion you updated with potassium sorbate?

  10. says

    Beautiful Booklet!!!! I was just thinking of how to put together a few more Christmas gifts. Thank you. I’ve made your emulsifying wax lotion recipes several dozen times. I love it. Can’t wait to try the body butter! Thanks so much for the great recipes!

  11. says

    Hi Kendra, this is probably a daft question but just checking, when you have 2t. or 4t. on a recipe do you mean teaspoon or tablespoon please? Only I’m used to seeing tsp or tbsp, but maybe that’s a British thing :)

  12. lachlan molineux says

    Body lotion is great providing your skin with anti-oxidants daily through your Dr Baumann Skincare, but for excellent results, Vitamins and minerals in your diet is essential for healthier skin.

  13. Tonya cain says

    I have tried to purchase this booklet for 2 days now with 3 valid credit cards and none of them work. I get a message that says the card verification does not match my billing info. I order online with these same cards several times a month without problem. Is there another way I can pay, I was so excited about the booklet!

  14. says

    The recipes you have available are wonderful. I noticed your basic beeswax lotion is extremely similar to the chapstick I make. It obviously has more oils and wax, lol. I do want to purchase this but don’t have a nook/kindle nor paypal. Is there any other way to purchase? I do use the kindle app on my tablet and phone but Amazon won’t allow me to even follow w/o the devices. I have the money and use credit or debit just not with paypal. I have had extremely bad luck on paypal so refuse, unfortunately. If it sells on Amazon for any reader or device, please advise since I would love the recipes. I have a few good recipes but don’t have time to sit and adjust to keep them from separating.

    • asonomagarden says

      Lisa, this is a pdf booklet, so you can view it on your computer. I don’t have any other way set up to pay besides Paypal at this point unfortunately.


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