We didn’t plant a winter garden this year. Not a thing. Not even an attempt at our usual broccoli, cabbage or cauliflower. In fact we didn’t even so much as put a kale seedling in the ground. With having our summer garden go in late and our harvest extending much later than usual, we were wiped out. To tell you the truth, when we’ve wimped out on our winter garden it’s come with a lot of guilt. Where we live, we really can garden almost all year round, so the pressure is on to take advantage of that.
However I believe there is great benefits to a period of hibernation, both for the soil and for the soul. This year we didn’t allow ourselves to feel guilty. We had done enough last spring and summer, it is time to rest. And I have much suspicions that having the garden, and the gardeners, rest for the winter is going to create an extraordinary spring garden. Because now that the holidays are good and done with we are all chomping at the big to get going again.
This past weekend we were all out there in force. Weed whacking, trench digging (for new irrigation), hand weeding, mulch moving, rock hauling. All of us eager workers. The seed catalogs are worn with near constant browsing. The garden books are showing up more frequently on the coffee table. While we aren’t ready to fully give up our winter garden hibernation, spring is looking oh so sweet to us.
[…] Winter Hibernation (www.asonomagarden.com) […]
[…] Winter Hibernation (www.asonomagarden.com) […]
Beautiful photos! And good for you for taking a break — that’s what winter is for!
Whaaat!!! You already have daffies! Not fair! We are still frozen up here in northern california… 15 degrees last night….bbbbrrrrr
When does spring gardening occur where you live? It’s not until March or April here in Wisconsin.
a little soon here in southern MO to be thinking of a garden. We will be able to do a few things starting in late February or March. Sometimes I wish people DID hibernate….wouldn’t that be awesome to eat a whole bunch, sleep and then wake up 30-40 pounds thinner????? That would bring JOY to my soul
I’m in the midst of planning my spring garden too and want to get started with some indoor seedlings… Where do you order your seeds from?
We order most of ours from Seed Savers and Baker Creek.
I took a winter break, too- I was tired, but my soil was REALLY tired. I did throw some purchased kale starts in the ground, but that was it. My main spring project will be revamping that tired dirt!
Good for you for taking a break. I didn’t, planting four raised beds and a potager full of winter crops (we’re 7b), and I’m exhausted. My busy season is just about to start, as I’m updating my website for the nursery (the worst part of the job, truly). Instead of the usual excitement as I ordered my seeds (Baker Creed and Seed Savers here, too!), I just felt so, so tired. I know it will be good, but honestly–I wish I, too, had hibernated a bit.
Cheers to spring, and may you have your best garden ever!