Thank you so very much for all the incredible comments about my sweater! They made my day. You know I went into dyeing and knitting this creation with no expectations. I figured, what was the worst that could happen? It wouldn’t fit quite right and the colors would come out a horrible mess. At least my twiddly fingers would be kept busy and I would have learned something along the way (I’d hope!). But it actually turned out into something I want to wear and something that I’m proud of. Now had I gone into it with expectations, I’m sure I would have been disappointed.
Many of you requested close ups, so here they are. I haven’t blocked it yet as you can tell. I’m always so good at procrastinating on blocking, I just have never found a place in my house where I can leave a wet sweater laid out for days on end. However I always love the end result, everything softens up and any tension issues always seem to smooth themselves over.
So this is my next project, this wool above. My neighbor down the street keeps East Friesian sheep, mostly for meat and milk, but this year she had some of the wool spun. A few months ago on Facebook she posted that she had just gotten the yarn back from the mill and was offering it up for sale. Now at that moment I had to remember that I am a grown-up and I couldn’t just at that very second go running down the street, flailing my arms, shouting for yarn. You have to at least act like a respectable adult in these situations, so I tried my best to play it cool. I waited a few days before I called and then with all my self control I strolled down to her house with honey in hand before I raided her yarn stash. Now what to make with it is the question. I was envisioning a aran fisherman sort of sweater we will see what becomes of it. (UPDATE: finished fisherman’s sweater here)
I bought this mirror the other week for our office. It has nothing to do with yarn or wool, other than it goes with today’s post’s color scheme. I’m starting to get really antsy for spring and I have an Annie’s Annual’s gift certificate burning a hole in my pocket. Her guide to having a spectacular spring planting is fueling me on. And look at this, this CA native wildflower produces blue pollen, I might have to get that for my fuzzy little ladies.
That is just amazingly awesome!! I cant even imagine makng something like that.. dyes yes.. a sweater using them, probably not Ok.. definitely not. You much to be proud of.. Congrats on a beautiful job well done. Thanks for sharing the close up.. its exquisite!
Thank you! It’s as lovely close up as it is far off!
Congratulations! It’s lovely!!
That is absolutely amazing, you really hit it out of the park! What a neat mirror, too -like a piece of history.
And thank you for that Annie’s link, what gorgeous flowers!
What a beautiful, beautiful sweater. You should be incredible proud of it!!!
I love how organic the colors look. Don’t forget those mushrooms for another dye color option.
Wow, Kendra. Those colors and pattern are so beautiful together! Love it~
That is so beautiful. When I have tried to knit Fair Isle the stitches pucke. Yours is perfect. Well done.
Thanks for the closeup pictures. The colors are beautiful together, and you have much to be proud of!
How is the stitch definition of the yarn? Have you done a guage swatch? That will dictate the types of projects you do.
Look at the Broolyn Tweed patterns. The patterns are modern but classic at the same time. Your yarn seems to be half-way between his Loft and Shelter.
Love this one:
I made Jared’s Forge hat and the pattern was expertly written and easy to follow. I wish I’d made it with his yarn b/c Cascade 220 isn’t as stretchy but the final project was beautiful nonetheless.
aka FrenchieJenn on rav
so beautiful! it’s the perfect sweater and color combination for a crisp autumn day!
Wonderful. I am sure if I started crocheting/knitting I would have a 100 projects in various states~it seems to be my MO~as witnessed by the 100 manuscripts I have in various stages of completion, same with cross stitch projects, scrapbook items, and the list goes on. So admire those who finish their projects beautifully! I can’t wait to see what you come up with for the new yarn.
Amazing! Thank you for sharing.
Wow, nice to meet a neighbor knitter !! Exquisite Fair Isle work there !!!!