A Five Year Giveaway: e-booklet & $50 Mountain Rose Herbs Gift Certificate

Thank you for all your entries, but this contest is now closed.
We try our best to keep things rather simple around here. If it’s one thing I’ve realized over the years is I have a rather low tolerance for busyness. Too many activities packed into one small time frame make me frazzled. Things can’t always be simple and this week feels like a culmination of extra busyness. I’m having a hard time keeping my head on straight. I’m sure you can relate! So I’m going to use this space to show some gratuitously calming photos and to focus us all on good things. Like a giveaway.

As I mentioned a post or two back, this month marks five years of blogging for me. Which is a long time! At least a milestone worth celebrating. So I’ve teamed up with Mountain Rose Herbs, my go to company for buying my oils, butters, herbs and spices, and we’re going to give one lucky winner a free copy of my e-booklet, Simple Hand Crafted Body Care along with a $50 gift certificate! Yippee!
While all this busyness has been swirling around I’ve started to make a mental note of a new box of items I want to order from MRH. We place one big order about three to four times a year. They have such great customer service and run their zero-waste company right in my alma mater town of Eugene, Oregon, which makes my faithfulness to them all the stronger. If you haven’t bought my booklet now, hopefully you will get the chance to win and if you don’t, we’ll continue to celebrate on Friday by having a 50% off sale. How does that sound?
(this a picture of the body butter from the booklet, we use this every single day!)

I’m thinking for my next Mountain Rose Herbs order I need to stock up on both cocoa butter and shea butter to make some more deodorant and I want to learn more about carrier oils. Typically I use olive oil, grapeseed oil or safflower oil for my lotions, but there are so many out there that I want to learn about. I’m thinking that might be interesting to you too, if I made up a bunch of lotions using different carrier oils to see how they felt. I also want to try some new essential oil combinations, so I’ll most certainly add a few to the order. And, if you know Scott, and have seen our entire cabinet devoted to herbs and spices, he’ll fill up our order full of culinary goodies.
So leave me a comment expressing your interest and I’ll call a winner Thursday evening around 9pm Pacific time. If you tweet or share on facebook or ‘pin’ the top image you can get the chance to enter again, just leave me a separate comment for each social media share you used. Much luck to you all!   Closed! Thank you for all your entries!


  1. Michelle says

    Definitely interested in the give-away. I have made your homemade beeswax lotion and enjoy the product. Thank you for your blog and the beautiful pictures!

  2. Cathy says

    I’ve really enjoyed your blog. My daughter has severe eczema and I’ve made the lotion, chapstick and body butter and we’ve used them. We also do a ton of gardening, canning and freezing – but live in Minnesota so our garden months are quite short. I’ve enjoyed seeing your pictures of spring-it gives me hope that spring in Minnesota will come soon!

  3. Deanna Fullbright says

    I am so excited. We just celebrated my mothers 70th birthday and had a week long birthday bash for her one of her days was a DIY day in which we made several homemade things. Laundry soap and cleaners but what was the biggest hit was your healing salves and lip balm…they all loved it…thank you so much..I would love to win this to restock what I used up for her special days….

  4. says

    I have been a faithful reader for several years now and greatly appreciate all that you do! I currently make my own skincare products but my goal is to make my own laundry detergent and shampoo too.
    Mountain Rose herbs is a fantastic company and would love a gift certificate from them!!!!

  5. says

    I’m learning to slow down, some of the “things” we think must be done really doesn’t need to be done right that second. Stop and smell the roses as the old saying goes. I always enjoy reading your posts , is my moment of calm . Have a beautiful day everyone.

  6. Kris says

    I would love to win also! How exciting! Thanks for the opportunity and all the great recipes and advice you share. :)

  7. says

    Winning this would be AMAZING! I have been wanting to start making my own bath and body products for a long time now! I hope I win!

  8. says

    Hi how exciting!! Thank you for giving us all this chance to enjoy your products and ebook. I’m new to making my own products and have enjoyed your blog and emails allot they hanger been very helpful.
    Thank you,

  9. Brittney says

    Thank you so much for this amazing opertunity. I am so excited to have a chance to win!! I have a daughter with eczema and I would love to make her something that would help!

  10. says

    I would love to win this! I make all of the products we use on our skin at my house and this will be put to good use! My 8 year old daughter loves helping make our toothpaste, lotion, etc.

  11. lori says

    I’d love a chance to win. I do have your book and used it to make lotion, face scrub, and lip balm for myself and Christmas gifts, but am waiting to put in another order to Mountain Rose herbs for more supplies so I can make more items. I have lots of friends who would love me to give them the book for a gift as they use the lotion I made them and would like to learn how to make it for themselves.

  12. Trisha says

    Thanks for the chance to win! I love your blog, and followyou. I love all the great recipes you have, and the gardening is fun, too. We set up a raised garden last year, and got a similar watering system similar to yours. It made this year so easy, it was a real surprise. We appreciated the information so much! Love your ideas for making our own body care stuff, too.

  13. says

    I’ve been making your hand lotion with preservative & love it! So much that I send the link to the recipe & your blog to friends all the time. I can’t wait to try more recipes–thanks for sharing it all with us!

  14. says

    Oh, please pick me! I would love to win and learn more about your natural recipes. I am a big fan of your beeswax lotion and laundry detergent. I stumbled upon your post about a year ago and have come to your blog for inspiration ever since! Thank you so much for sharing!

  15. Calee says

    I’ve loved reading your blog for the last 2 or 3 years but I haven’t tried making anything like this. Maybe now I will!

  16. says

    Excited at the prospect of winning! I’ve been experimenting with homemade lotion, deodorant and toothpaste for about a year and a half now. Thanks for sharing so many of your recipes!

  17. says

    I’m just about out of homemade hand lotion so now this is a serendipitous giveaway. Thanks for offering it! I made your basic beeswax recipe and loved it, and now I’d like to branch out into something a bit lighter with some lavender. Can’t wait!

  18. Sara says

    I love your blog, moutain rose herbs, and your beeswax lotion recipe. I actually made more lotion this weekend! It is such a great recipe!

  19. Cheeseydish says

    I love your blog. I’ve recently decided to only use skin care products that I make, so that I can be sure of what I’m putting on my skin, since there are so many ingredients I don’t want to use. I recently made your easy beeswax lotion (lovely stuff) & now that I have some avocado oil, I’ll be trying out your homemade hand salve. We’re having a particularly long & bitter winter here in the UK so my eczema has decided to show itself again after years of no symptoms. I would love to have a chance to win your e-booklet. Congratulations on 5 years of blogging! I’m not ready to start blogging yet, but do take a lot of inspiration from your blog. Thanks!

  20. Carrie says

    I am enjoying your ebooklet & so are all the family members I have gifted your fabulous recipes to! I made all of my Christmas gifts from your recipes! I heart RMH!! Thanks for sharing! So very appreciated.

  21. Claudia says

    You have definitely turned me on to making my own lotion….we have saved so much money from doing this and I definitely know whats in my lotion! I source my ingredients from my local coop and mountain herbs….So I would love, love to win this. Thank you Kendra!

  22. says

    I would be very happy to win. My partner and I are starting an urban farm in an inner city neighborhood, bootstrapping the whole thing. The gift card to Mountain Rose Herbs would allow us to submit the order that is complete, but needs funding.

  23. Jan says

    Oh, be still my heart!!! What a fabulous giveaway! I just found your blog, and have enjoyed it very much. It was just 2 weeks ago that I started making our own personal care products, and am excited that even I can do it! :) Even my traditional sweetie has started using my creations! YAY!

  24. Carol in Montana says

    Love your blog, and have been trying to make my own skin care products. Great give away.
    Congratulations of 5 years of blogging!

  25. says

    i am brand new to your website and am loving it…i have had skin issues for years, allergies and eczema, and can’t wait to try some of your recipes. My niece’s husband is having some severe skin issues right now and i forwarded your site to her to try. I’m hoping the homemade lotions will help him rather than all the chemicals in store bought.
    I found you on Pinterest on a gardening board. I will be using your soda bottle watering system this year. I’m making my vegetable garden twice the size this year. Hoping to learn to can my vegetables.
    I will Pin, like and whatever to get a chance at the prize !! LOL
    Thank you so much for all your time and effort you put into your site…as you can see we all LOVE it !!!

  26. says

    I am so excited about the prizes here! I have mentioned the contest on Facebook. Your recipes are delightful and simple. One of my top notch favorite blogs. Than you.

  27. says

    I adore Mountain Rose Herbs and would LOVE to win this – hoping it is open to Canadians like myself since you didn’t specify any restrictions :) Would love to try out your recipes – I’ve been making more and more personal care products the past few years.

  28. says

    I found your website while searching for a recipe for lotions using beeswax. I used yours to make a gift for my friends for Christmas. Now I am hooked! I enjoy making my own products and knowing what is in them! Thank you for being my introduction into this craft. I would love to win a copy of your book and a gift certificate for Mountain Rose Herbs!

  29. Linda says

    I found your blog last Christmas, and have made your lotion and lip balm, thanks for sharing your great recipes! Would love to win some more recipes!! Also love your gardening tips! I live in Vancouver :)

  30. dawn campbell says

    Would love to win! Just really started getting into homemade body products, and am definitely looking to learn more

  31. Carie Maniscalco says

    I love any opportunity to keep my heart, body and soul free of chemicals! Love your blog and all the help I’ve gotten to keep me at peace with what I use, how to use it and how to make it myself!

  32. Amanda says

    Love your blog! So thankful for you – I have learned a ton. You have helped me create a healthier home for my family!

  33. Megan says

    I would be thrilled to win a $50 gift card to MRH! I have been dying to place an order with them. I made your beeswax lotion with lavendar and it has helped me heal up a nasty burn wound that I earned last week (Darn that oven!). I have already purchased your booklet, but I would love to give my mom a copy too, she has psoriasis and I think these products could help her out.

  34. Susan L says

    I was introduced to your website while searcing for recipes for eczema. I am a school nurse and have passed your recipe on to many grateful parents. I would love ti win the give away. I will also do a like on facebook. :)

  35. says

    Oh WOW, what a terrific giveaway! I started making my own lotion/eczema cream thanks to your website, and I’ve been ordering from MRH for about a year now. Amazing!

  36. Miranda Snydmiller says

    You have such beautiful pictures! And I’ve never orderes from MRH but I’ve always looked longingly online. I’d love to try it out!

  37. Debbie S says

    What an exciting give-away! I like MRH products and enjoy learning how to keep my family free of harmful chemicals. It’s always fun to learn from each other. :) Thanks for what you share.

  38. Bridgette says

    WOW—5 years of blogging, that is BIG and a testament to your dedication. CONGRATS & keep on keeping on!

  39. Robin says

    I just “found” your blog last week and learned of Mountain Rose Herb through you! Thanks for all you share!

  40. Katie M says

    I would love to win this giveaway, I make all our body care items, and am running low on some ingredients.

  41. frackle62@yahoo.ca says

    Hi there… Of course, anything with rosé oils peak my interests. I live in Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada…in which the wild rose is “our flower” . It grows prolifically in the summer and I love to harvest it and make oils with it. I am a registered massage therapist by trade…a aromatherapist by love…and rose oils have proven to relieve more ailments than just physical aspects of the body…the largest of these being depression. It is the main reason I use only rose oils in my massage room. Interestingly….it is the oil, that no person I have found has ever been adverse to….even the most sensitive to fragrances like myself. It is very costly in the stores, but quite easy to make yourself….although tedious. Sometimes you have to stop and smell the roses….beautiful :-)

    Sent from my iPad

  42. LaTanya says

    Congrats on the 5 years!! I’ve been reading your blog almost 2 years now. I’ve been wanting to making the body butter but haven’t made the time to make some. Love all your body care recipes.

  43. says

    I’ve been admiring your creams, balms, and salves for years. I would love to learn how to make them myself and then share that with some of my students. Thanks for all of the recipes.

  44. says

    Pick me! Pick me! Love your blog and Mountain Rose Herbs–they were my introduction to all things oil and butter. Plus, I am a new law grad, which means I can’t afford your e-book, as much as I would love it, or MRH either.

  45. amber says

    I am just now getting into making things and learning new things. As a single mother trying to change some things in my house that we use daily my son looks at me like I’m crazy :) but is learning everyday with me. But after 3 weeks of no poo I have great hair again. I’m enjoying having a healthier non toxic house for me and my son.

  46. Any says

    Your blog and MRH- what a lovely combo! I get so excited when I receive my orders from MRH in the mail. Such sweet joy :)

  47. Lacy says

    I shared this on Facebook. Want to win sooo much!! I have been making your body butter lotion with no water in it we love it.

  48. SueMarie says

    I would love to win this giveaway. I have totally stopped buying lotions and hand creams and make everything now – except eye cream, still need to figure out a good recipe.

  49. Rebecca says

    I have enjoyed reading your blog ever since I found it 3 years ago. Many thanks and hope to read your blog for many more years to come.

  50. Tori says

    I would love to win this. I’d like to experiment more with the essential oils. My family loves the olive oil lotion!

  51. Ann Grisham says

    I really enjoy following this blog, and have already begun to make some of my own soaps. Would love the opportunity to learn to make more!

  52. K Stevenson says

    Especially love your lotions and deodorant. I have gotten many family members hooked on them when I have given them as gifts. As someone on a fixed income the gift certificate would really mean a lot.

  53. Lauren says

    I would love this! I use your deo recipe every day, and I need to get into some more products. I’ve got 2 babies on the way, so I think they would appreciate it! :)

  54. says

    CONGRATULATIONS, Kendra, on 5 years of blogging! That’s awesome!

    I found your blog this winter and have been enjoying it for the past few months. I tried your hand lotion recipe and it worked out great! I tried the lotion on the rest of my body but my skin would get itchy and dry after a couple of hours. I need something more moisturizing for my arms and legs which get very dry. If I win your booklet, I will definitely try your body butter recipe. And if I don’t win, I will get your booklet during your sale.

    Thanks again, Kendra, for this opportunity and congrats again on a wonderful and informative blog!

  55. Anna says

    I love your blog and have used it as the stepping stone to making my own products – with the help of Mountain Rose Herbs, too! Sadly I found out I am allergic to beeswax, but just made your emulsifying wax lotion and LOVE IT! Thanks for sharing all of your adventures and I can’t wait to see what you try next. Winning a gift card wouldn’t be a bad thing either :)

  56. Judy Dughman says

    I would love to win this, as I am on a fixed income and purchasing all the ingredients to make these different products can be expensive. I’m trying to make different lotions & soaps to (I hope) sell for a little extra money, but first I have to get the money to buy the ingredients!

  57. says

    First of all congratulations on your five year anniversary, that’s awesome. I’ve been blogging only for a year and a half so to me five years is a major milestone! What a fantastic giveaway as well, I would love to win. I’ve just started making lip balm and hand cream and Mountain Rose Herbs is the best!

  58. pepa says

    Congratulations on five years of inspiring posts!! You rock!
    …mmmm… body butter sounds (and looks) delicious!

  59. Teagen says

    Congrats on half a decade!! This shows amazing dedication to all you know and love, and thank you for always sharing such beauty! From a midwesterner to a west-coaster, your posts keep me inspired throughout the cold months!

  60. Candice says

    This is a fantastic contest – love your blog and Mountain Rose Herbs (they are local to me, since I am near Portland – Vancouver exactly). I would love to win. :) Your blog introduced me to How to Grow World Record Tomatoes and Jon Jeavons’ book as well. Got them from the library first and then after just applying some of the tips from the tomato book (in containers in an apartment), we were hooked, bit the bullet and bought both books (try saying that three times fast!).

  61. Jessica says

    Congrats on sharing with us for five whole years! It is your blog which inspired me to start making creams for our own family. While I still have a lot to learn, I have come up with some great formulas which work to heal the horrible eczema petroleum products couldn’t even begin to touch, a great diaper cream which is safe for cloth diapers and some other healing salves as well!

    Thank you!

  62. maryannehommel says

    Your blog is the first one to give me really doable, practical and effective products. Id love to know about lotions with different carrier oils, especially facial lotions for 50 year olds who spent too much time in the sun!

  63. April says

    Aloha miss Sonoma garden :) greetings and blessings to you from Maui – I stumbled upon your blog just 4 days ago as I was searching google for how to hand make deoterant cream, and a link to your blog post was the top link! I work at an herb store called “The Dragons Den Herb Shop” here on Maui so my interests and passions are quite the same as yours :) I probably spent the next two hours diving deeper into the depths of your blog that day. Everything you write about inspires me and reignights my passion for working my garden, trying new things (the next morning I poored maple syrup over almonds in the frying pan and brought the BEST snack to work) and wanting to experiment with making lotions, deoterant, and cutting shampoo out of my life! I find great happiness, comfort, and inspiration from what you share of your life. THANK YOU for taking the time to do so :) you sound busy as a mom of three! I am crossing my fingers to win your giveaway :) congratulations on this 5 year accomplishment for yourself – Aloha nui, Malama Pono

  64. Clarissa says

    I would love to win this giveaway. I haven’t yet had a chance to purchase your book. But it looks wonderful. Thank you for hosting this giveaway.

  65. Zan Caperton says

    Congratulations on your anniversary! I would love to try some of these wonderful products. I am going to have to check into your booklet!

  66. Amanda Ramsey says

    I would love to see your booklet, and having a gift certificate to Mountain Rose Herbs would be a dream come true! I frequently go there to “window shop” but never have the extra $ to make a purchase… :) Thanks for your wonderful blog and recipes! I use your lotion daily and LOVE it! And I love all of your beautiful pictures!!

  67. Lindsay says

    I would love your review if different carrier oils in lotion, you should totally do it. I’ve been psyching myself up to do just that. ;). My little boy and I made several batches of your Chapstick recipe a few weeks ago and I love it!

  68. Robbin says

    Love the lotion recipes and I always check your blog to see if you’ve updated:) The pictures are my fav! We love using the lotions we make now thanks to you!

  69. Meredith says

    I love your blog and am always inspired by your creations- here with body care and also in the garden! And MRH is such an awesome store. I am thankful for the chance to enter!

  70. juliewitt says

    Oh, the things I could do with that gift certificate! I have your e-book and absolutely love the products I have made. Thanks!

  71. Emmy says

    I started following your blog a couple of months ago, and I love it! I look forward to reading what’s new, and looking at your beautiful pictures. I just received my very first shipment from Mountain Rose Herbs two days ago, full of ingredients from some of your recipes! I am so excited to try out the beeswax lotion, and the deodorant. Your blog has inspired me to try something that I have always wanted to do. Winning this contest would be wonderful! I’ve had my eye on your e-booklet, and there are so many things at Mountain Rose Herbs that I’d like to try out! Thank you for all the great info, and congratulations on five years of blogging!

  72. says

    It only takes one entry to win and if it is to be then this would be the one. The reason I would love to be the winner; In 2009 I felt called by God to get rid of my belongings and move out into the mission field, wherever He would guide. In 2010 I worked at offloading all my belongings except for two suitcases of supplies and in 2011 launched out in faith. At the present time I am volunteering in Greece with refugees from Afghanistan and Iran. I having worked in Uganda, India, South Africa, Spain and elsewhere over the course of several years prior to the call, teaching the Scriptures and giving away the Holy Bible in villages, conferences, and churches as well as other volunteer work, teaching English, soup kitchens, clothing distributions and a number of other helps. And though I really do not have a home or much outside of my bags (living in hostels, renting rooms and am an occasional guest), I do return to the US once a year. It would be wonderful to have your products to replenish my supplies and to just pamper myself after a hard day. I do have a PO Box for my NP 501 (c) 3 to ship to. When I was still living in the US (with a regular street address) I did order from Mountain Rose Herbs for making personal spa wraps. I really enjoyed their products! They are fresh, smell wonderful and work so well. It would be a joy to try them once again. I miss the lavender oil which I would add to my facials and to cocoa butter and apply to my skin. Yummy stuff! And even if I do not win, thank you for your heart to bless others with what the LORD has blessed you with. You have a generous soul. I know they will be thrilled. Blessings, Pamela

  73. Morgan says

    I would LOVE to win this! I follow your blog and really enjoy it 😀 Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  74. scrapsinthekeyoflife says

    Mountain Rose Herbs is like a Candy Store to me. Smiles… A little over a year ago now, I rampaged through our cottage and disposed of all chemical products in the bathroom, kitchen and laundry room. My goal was, and still is, to live a natural healthy lifestyle and to lessen my carbon footprint on the beautiful earth. I started looking for all natural products and then started making my own after seeing how to posts on your wonderful blog as well as many others. I would absolutely love to win this giveaway! Thank You So Much For This Opportunity!

  75. says

    I would love to be entered in your contest! So far I have tried your beeswax lotion and I’ve made it a couple times. Everyone who tries it loves it! I use the Mountain Rose Herbs Ingredients and they were fantastic.

  76. says

    I’d love to win! I’m from a town near Eugene and I adore Mountain Rose. I’ve made your lotion with much success. not so much success with making the deodorant, but I’m inspired to keep trying. Thanks for putting your recipes out here for everyone to enjoy!

  77. Teddy Bauer says

    I like to make remedies and salves but have recently decided to start making my products in the garden. I would buy a wide variety of seeds so that I could have organic herbs that I nurtured myself to make remedies for people.

  78. sharon roman says

    i have been enjoying every one of your posts and totally am inspired! i also make soap, lotion bars, rice buddies, and am investigating making lotion and body balm so the book would certainly be a blessing for my new endeavors, i would love to win it! also, just now heading to post in facebook!

  79. Jo says

    Woo hoo! I already have your booklet and am looking forward to making some of the honey lip balm. Since finding you, I have ordered several things from Mountain Rose Herbs and would definitely use $50.

    I made a batch of the simple hand lotion from your website recently, and I substituted almond oil for the olive oil; it was nice and light, and I have been using it several times a day.

  80. Candi says

    My husband and I have a 1.5 year old daughter. For the good of our future and hers, we’ve changed a lot of things in our life recently; one of which is learning to go homemade. It would be totally awesome to get a copy of the e-booklet and learn more. Thanks so much for your wonderful blog. E-booklet or not, it’s very much appreciated to have people like you sharing your stories, recipes, and tips. CONGRATULATIONS ON FIVE YEARS! AMAZING! -Candi

  81. Linda says

    Congratulations! Five years is a great accomplishment. I only found you a year or so ago, but really love all you do. Thanks for thinking of your readers and giving a gift on your birthday. I just hope I win!

  82. says

    Excited to start my journey in homemade goodness! I just had my first daughter a few months back and I am committed to making sure she grows up with as few chemicals etc both on her and in her. Just a new mommy trying to set and example and give her the best start possible.

  83. says

    FIVE YEARS!!!! :) Congrats!!! Would love to win such a fantastic prize ♥♥♥♥♥. I’ve been making my own soaps for several years and have just started making my own lotions etc.

  84. says

    I would love to win your e-book and the $50 gift certificate. I’m just getting into essential oils and would love to start making home products to use as carriers for them and their healing properties. :)

  85. Jennifer says

    I would love to win the gift certificate!! I purchased your e-booklet a few months ago. I have made everything in the booklet!! I absolutely love every recipe. I made my friends some of the body butter and they all love it. Thank you for sharing such wonderful ideas. I also buy my supplies from Mountain Rose Herbs!! They have everything you could ever ask for!!

  86. Donna Gibbs says

    would LOVE to win your e-book…I have just started making my own goods and am thrilled with the results I get from using Mountain Rose Herbs products. they are always quick to deliver and the products are excellent!! Thank you for sharing you life with me!!

  87. Michelle says

    Congratulations on five years of wonderful blogging and gorgeous photos!
    Oh my goodness, how did I miss that booklet? And a chance to try some Mountain Rose goodies? Add my name to the hat! :)

  88. Karen says

    Would love to win this and get creative with Mountain Rose Herbs…love your blog, your creativity and way with words…beautiful!

  89. says

    Congratulations on the five years! An inspiration. =) Not sure how I missed the booklet, Love me some Mountain Rose Herbs. I’d love a chance to win your book and goodies.
    Thank you!

  90. Jennifer says

    Congrats on 5 years of blogging! I love the recipes I’ve found on your site in the past and the gift card would be a great way to expand to the new recipes in your e-book!

  91. Kimberly says

    I would love to win this! I have just started making my own lotions and this would come in really handy! Love your blog!

  92. Robin M says

    What an amazing give-away. I would love to win this! I also pinned it….which is good for both of us because I love your blog.

  93. Katie says

    5 years ago we had 3 1/2 year olds….time flies! If I win, maybe it will make me be more creative like you! You are an inspiration Kendra!!

  94. Sarah Farrell says

    I love your blog and would love to win! I’ve been making my own body care and cleaning products for years!

  95. Julia DiGiammatteo says

    I just found you and am thrilled. Congrats on your 5 years. You are my hero I can’t wait to make your recipes.

  96. Carol says

    Congratulations and thanks for the last 5 years! I already ordered the booklet and haven’t tried everything… yet… the gift certificate would help!

  97. diane campbell says

    Congrats for the 5th anniversary. I am just getting started in with this wonderful way of living! Thanks for letting me enter! :)

  98. Sara says

    I can’t wait to try more of your recipes. I’ve made your body butter and your eczema cream. I based my lip balm recipe off of yours and then modified it too. Congrats on 5 years of blogging.

  99. Bethany says

    It would be so great to win this! I just made your beeswax lotion for my dad to use on his hands. It came out perfect, and I can’t wait to give it to him tomorrow. I’ll pin this too.

  100. says

    Congratulations Kendra on five years! I love your blog and photographs, and found it even before I moved to Sonoma. I also Love MRH and do a few big orders a year as well–they have the most wonderful, vital, high quality herbs and products anywhere! Have I ever showed you my pantry? A whole wall of herbs :).

  101. Wendy says

    Oh yes please! Awesome giveaway! Thanks for all the great posts. You have inspired many experiments in my home. In my personal opinion, making a jar of homemade lotion during a rainy day is a great way to keep the kidlets (and me) sane:) Cheers to many more years, recipes and posts!

  102. sharon says

    I’m trying to figure out how to enter – I’m new at making soaps and lotions and on a very limited income -this would help greatly

  103. says

    What a yummy Giveaway!! I’ve not ordered from RMH but I need to one of these days.. I’ve been ordering from another long term company and its tough to think about walking away after 25 years..
    Congrats on you Blogaversary!! I hope to still be here reading it in 5 more years!

  104. Rita Pujol says

    After moving from the big city (miami fl) to a small rural town (pierson fl) pop. 2500. Our family decided to try and live as close to the land as possible. We grow most of our own food, but we where relying on very costly commercial organic/all natural body products, that many times we could not afford. But thanks to ur site and blogs I took the leap and recently started to make face cream, lip balms etc from the recipes. So this gift would be a big blessing to my family and neighbors (that love my goat milk face/body cream) as it would let me experiment a little more. Thanks Rita

  105. says

    I am interested in your giveaway … i have so enjoyed your blog since i found it .. thank you for taking the time to share your time

  106. says

    I am fairly new to making natural beauty products. I found your website a few months ago and have learned sooooo much! I bought the Simple Crafted Body Care book and it is wonderful! I haven’t experimented too much because of $$, so to win this would be great!

  107. says

    Definitely interested in this giveaway! I’ve been looking at trying essential oils, but I’ve been put off by the cost. This would give me a chance to try them out before I “invest” in more.

  108. Lori Green says

    I love your blog and I’ve tried (and loved) a few of your recipes. So far, I think the beeswax body cream was my favorite. I would love to win this contest, but if not, just know that there are many of us out there who are grateful that you are so generous in sharing your ideas.

  109. says

    MRH is also my go-to place for all my body care making ingredients, so I would love to win. : ) You should give sunflower oil a try. I love it for body care, and I can also use it in the WW bread that I make.

  110. says

    I would love to win (wouldn’t we all ;-)! We make our own cleaning products and almost all of our foods (what we don’t make, we grow or buy locally). Love your blog!

  111. Colleen M says

    Hello – I would love to win. I purchased products from Mountain Rose a while back and made some of my own things thanks to your blog. Thanks for the opportunity!!!

  112. Barbara McKInley says

    Hi! I love the homemade body care items that you make, I’ve only been able to do a couple as finances just won’t permit, however I would love to win as I am so looking forward to making these luscous creams and body butters for gifts, I so want to get more into doing this, so I would love to win and especially try the Mountain Rose Herbs. I am striving for a healthier way of doing things without all the added “bad for you ingredients” that I can’t even pronounce! Anyway congratulations on your 25th Anniversary, it must be very rewarding and I really enjoy and admire you and your blog. Thank you so much and many many blessings to you and your family :)

  113. says

    I am very interested in winning this! I love all your recipes for body care. I use your lotion, chap stick, etc! Thanks for your wonderful website!!

  114. Julie Olsen Buck says

    My daughter and I just checked out a book about creating your own natural body care, for fun and because we are striving to live a more zero waste lifestyle. Your recipes sound heavenly and I love, love, love your labels. I have not orderedfrom MRH before, but they sound like a fantastic company.

    Thank you for your inspiring, thoughtful and beautifully photographed blog. I share posts frequently with members of the community garden I am part of.

  115. Angela says

    Loving your blog, and I’ve recently gone poo-free and what a difference it has made. We’ve tried your deoderant recipe and it’s great, and would love to try the rest of your recipes.

  116. Melissa M says

    I’d love to win this! I received a set of essential oils from MRH for Christmas and have been itching to get some ingredients to start making my own lotions.

  117. Irene T says

    I’ve just started making my own hand lotion. I’ve been reading your blog, and I find it very useful and inspiring. Keep up the good work.

  118. Laura Ann says

    Please put my name in the drawing. :) Love your website and the beautiful pictures of the hills as well as all the great receipes. They are wonderful!! I lived in Santa Rosa when I was a girl and reading your postings always makes me feel like I am going home.

  119. Michael says

    I would really enjoy having the opportunity to try making some of the products your posts have inspired me to try. Plus I am in Sonoma so there wouldn’t be any shipping fees!

  120. Stephanie Moore says

    I would love to have your book about making your own hand lotions, etc. I am allergic to every kind of lotion and body oil on the market, and wintertime makes my hands crack and bleed, every year.

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