The baked chiles rellenos turned out great! We have chili rellenos a few times during the summer and they are without a doubt one of my favorite dinners. But they are a lot of work! This was a nice alternative and I could make it early in the day and pop it in the oven after soccer practice. It’s especially nice when your husband comes home early and makes a peach pie to bake with it! Anyway, recipe for baked chiles rellenos here.
We harvested all the corn this weekend. Five portions went into the freezer and the rest went into dinner.
The sunflower plant growing next to the corn just fell over. Much to bees dismay we cut off all the blooms and brought them inside.
Scott woke up yesterday and decided we needed a pond. A bunch of excited boys and a few hours later we have a pond. I’ll show you more pictures soon.
While the boys were out digging, the girl and I decided to finally, finally sew this little top I’ve had cut out for months. Instead of sleeves I made it sleeveless (this was supposed to be a summer shirt!), with bias bounding. It turned out cute and if luck is on our side it will fit next spring too. She grew five (!) inches in the last year, so she’d better get as much use out of it now.
Don’t forget, today is the last day of the $50 Pharmaca giveaway. Enter, enter, enter!
How was your weekend?
Is that a pie baking above that chili rellenos casserole in the oven? That must have been one really good dinner you had that night. Your sun flowers are lovely. Such a bright, fresh yellow color. I am going to have to pull my sun flowers out since they have given their all for the season. Since they were so beutiful I’m going to save seed for next year.
A pond? I’ll bet they boys almost wet their pants over that great idea. Scott is just a boy at heart isn’t he.
Those chili rellenos sound delicious. Now that I’ve got nothing but time (as in no money) I can try to make the dishes I often ordered in restaurants. This sounds healthier, too.
I love the chili rellenos, they look so light and fluffy. Thanks for sharing recipe. I seems a lot easier to bake them all at once, rather than egg batter and pan frying one at a time. Great idea.