The past couple of years Scott had really grown his passion for fishing. When salmon season starts, he takes a day off about once a month and wakes up at some ungodly hour to drive to a Sausalito dock to jump upon a fishing boat. Then out under the Golden Gate Bridge to take to the salty sea. On a good day he’ll bring back two 15-20lb salmon. We always eat well that night. Then some fillets go into the freezer and at least one fish a season will go to Angelos for smoking. Smoked salmon on a bagel with cream cheese and capers is well coveted in this house!
Last month when he came home with two fish, it was right on the heels of us smoking our second round of bacon when we thought, let’s give our own smoked salmon a try! Miracle upon miracles it worked! It is quite delicious and now we don’t have to pay for it to be smoked and we can control the amount of salt and know without a doubt that there aren’t nitrites in it.
Monday Scott went tuna fishing, as I mentioned that day, and came back with two 25lb bluefin tuna. Now unlike salmon fishing, where you stay near the coast, with tuna you need to go straight out into the ocean. Far out into the ocean. Far enough to make a wife nervous. He was gone from 2:30am until almost 9pm so we saved most of the butchering for the next day. He cut the tuna into steaks and we portioned them into dinner sized sections and vacuum sealed them.
Years ago we had a friend give us his home canned tuna. Now, canned fish does not look good in a glass jar at all. There is a reason the tuna you buy in the store is in a metal tin! However, it tasted absolutely delicious. Since we graduated into pressure canning world a few years ago, we decided to give it a try. The tuna went into clean jars packed with salt and olive oil and into the pressure canner for 100 minutes at 11 pounds of pressure.
12 meals worth of tuna steaks + 15 jars of tuna + 3 meals worth of fresh tuna last night and today = success
This might have been our most disappointing vegetable gardening year yet, but we won’t be swayed from stocking up our pantry full of summer’s bounty for the winter months.
I think your home canned tuna looks AWESOME! Totally cute in a glass jar! Then again, I love just about anything in a glass jar. 😛
Wow, that is awsome Kendra! Very inspirational and yummy!
My mom & I canned a whole wheel barrow load of freshly caught Albacore tuna several years ago.You’re right, it doesn’t look neat & tidy, but it tastes fantastic! Good for you for being brave enough to tackle it! It isn’t as hard as it would seem.
Boy if I live closer I’d trade some of my canned veggies for some of that tuna!! yum
Oh wonderful! My hubby went out on Tuesday for tuna and I now have three to eat/can/share! Canning begins tomorrow! We also smoke our own salmon, make sausage and other goodies-our garden was a bust this year…sigh…
I didn’t think you could add oil to anything canned. However, the salmon looks lovely!
replying to my own post… I’m so wrong.. thanks for the inspiration!
A customer gave my husband some tuna he caught on a recent fishing trip. I’m planning on canning it, this will be my first time!