Hope you are having a good Thanksgiving weekend! I haven’t gotten the camera out much the past few days but I have taken a few shots that sort of sum up our weekend. A real, true rain storm came last night and left us running around yesterday getting the yard ready for rain. Stacking firewood, turning compost piles, getting the chicken food hung up inside the coop. We got four new barred rock chicks that we’ve already integrated into the flock.
The starlings arrived the day before Thanksgiving. Amazing. I showed a little video clip on facebook the other day, but it doesn’t do justice. Here they are in past years.
Ruth’s course Elite Blogging Academy opened up that I talked about the other day. It’s totally worth it, if you are on the fence about joining.
That bookshelf above is another farm estate sale salvage piece. It’s rustic. Very rustic, almost falling apart rustic. But I put screws in every joint and now it’s staying together. We had been keeping the dining room very sparse, but I like how this warms it up.
Have a great weekend! I’ll be back on Tuesday with a little giveaway.
Your home looks so warm & inviting.
Thank you Jean.