This holiday season I want you to succeed in making homemade beauty products for yourself and your loved ones. I’ve been making these products for years and if I can do it, you can too. I’m going to help make this affordable and simple. For the next 48 hours you can enter to win my ebook: Simple Handcrafted Body Care. I’m going to open this to five winners! Or you can chose to buy now at any price. Really. Name your own price and the ebook is yours. That’s only for 48 hours though. After that I’m raising the price.
Why am I raising the price? Because I’ve expanded it to include four more recipes with photos and instructions. These are recipes you can already find on the blog, but isn’t it so much easier to have them all in one place? You can get all nine recipes and printable labels for the next 48 hours. After that, I’ll be adding two brand new recipes and new label designs and the price will go up.
Here are a few sample spreads from inside the ebook:
This body butter recipe is divine! I make it regularly exactly as written, yet as I’ve suggested in the book, I often customize to make each batch different.
You’ll find containers of this lip balm all over my house, my purse and even in my car. After suffering with chapped lips most of my life, this delicious honey balm has been a savior.
All together you get:
21 page pdf downloadable ebook
9 recipes
- Honey Kissed Lip Balm
- Body Butter
- Spicy Aftershave
- Bath Salts
- Microdermabrasion Facial Scrub
- Everyday Hand Lotion
- Beeswax Lotion
- Easy Handmade Chapstick
- Winter Hand Salve
Suggestions on customizing the recipes
Convenient links to each ingredient to make shopping easier
Packaging Suggestions
7 custom printable label designs
What to do:
- Enter to win a Free Copy of Simple Hand Crafted Body Care by leaving a comment below. (Contest ends Thursday, December 4th at 9am)
- Share on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media and gain extra entries (just leave me a separate comment per social media share, letting me know which social media platform you used)
- Skip entering the contest click the ADD TO CART button below and pay whatever price you’d like to. (Offer ends Thursday, December 4th at 9am)
Love your recipes. It would be nice to have them in one place. Thanks!
I just tried your recipe for the lotion and so far, I love it! I cant wait to try more!
You are an absolute artist in every way!! Everything you do is put together so well and creatively! Thank you for sharing all of your great idea’s and learnings…I would love a copy of your recipe book 😉
I would love to try some of these recipes. I love reading about them. They sound wonderful.
I shared your site on Instagram
I bought this book several years ago and I love it. The recipes are easy and the outcome really wonderful. Thanks Kendra.
I would love to win your ebook. I have been making your old recipe for beeswax lotion (I swapped some avocado oil for some of the olive oil) and it is my favourite! I also have enjoyed reading your posts for years – you seem to live such a natural and simple life with your family and as a city girl in Canada, I appreciate it!
This is a great website and I look forward to using your recipes! Thanks very much!
I Love your stuff
My kids and I do your projects All the time. My oldest daughter especially loves creating 
It has brought us closer together 
Free copy aside…
Thank you, for helping me find something my daughter and I can share this way
I have been wanting to make some lotion and lip balm this winter. Your recipes would be perfect.
So glad I’ve found your blog. I follow you on FB and check out your blog for postings I missed before finding you. I’ve shared on FB. Would love to win the eBook!
My goddess lady loves your blog!!
Love your recipies and cant wait to discover more!
Hi Kendra, you’ve been very inspiring to my family over the years – we’ve made many of your body care recipes (and also the plum cherry jam is an annual favorite). Since I don’t comment often, just wanted to say thank you for sharing your photos and words with us over the years. Love from the east bay
Thanks for an amazing giveaway!
My comment is that I always look forward to your emails, and I love your photography, and I already make my own lotion from which your recipe was the base. Thank you Kendra 😀
My favorite blog! Just love the design and hope to get to making some of your homemade lotions and other healthy products very soon. I have finally collected all the ingredients and ready to make some for gifts. Hope I win the recipes!
Beautiful photos -as always! I loved the first booklet, can’t wait to see what the new recipes are like!
I am just getting started with MYO personal care products; A few years back I stumbled on your laundry detergent recipe and love it. The detergent catapulted me into making all my cleaning products–so my next step is personal care items.
Please enter me in the giveaway! I have previously purchased your ebook – but would love the updated version!
I have always tried to make everything from scratch. Carla Emery & her book, ” Old Fashioned Recipe Book” from 1974 helped to strengthen my belief that homemade & natural was always best. The library was one of my only resources. Fast forward to today & how thrilled I was to find your blog & enjoy it immensely. I just received by emulsifying wax & shall make your lotion recipe. Back in the day, not much support for this wonderful way of life you are sharing. You my dear are a gem. I would love to ” win ” if not I will purchase your booklets.( as soon as I up my computer knowledge !)
Kendra you sure are an inspiration, and very generous ! I would love to be the one to win a copy.
Hi Kendra, meant to say that I have shared on Facebook, & following on Printerest.
I’ve been wanting to try to make a hand cream for a while, and with the cold weather here now, that’s even more of an incentive. Winning this ebook would be a sure sign that I really should just go ahead and make it, 😀
Thank you for the great recipes, I love them! Can’t wait to try more!
I pinned this post for my friends to see.
I like this post and your site on Facebook.
I would love to win your ebook! I’ve been making my own body care stuff for about a year and always love finding and trying new recipes and ideas! Thanks!
I think this would be wonderful for myself and making gifts!
I’ve been making your beeswax lotion for a long time now with calendula infused olive oil. Love it.
Would love to have all these recipes in one place.
Love this book…other books have far too many recipes to chose from…this keeps it simple…thanks.
Please enter me in your drawing. Love your blog & all the interesting ideas! Julia
I feel awful offering such a small amount, but I am a disabled parent of a son dying of cancer and money is very tight. I can only offer $10.00 but wish I could offer $40.00.
Kendra, I liked you on Facebook. Love your blog! Thank you for your generosity.
Love your blog!!
Kendra, I love getting your blog on my email. If i don’t win the free e-book I will order it for sure. The recipes sound wonderful.
Thanks for sharing your life and lessons learned. Would love all your recipes in one spot.
Awesome offer, please enter me and thanks for a chance to win!
Love your recipes. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks!
Hi, I have been following your blog for a few years and love it! One of my
good friends lives in Penngrove and I shared the blog with her!. She has
two children and they recently got chickens! Her mother, my best friend,
lives in Sebastopol. A few years back I made your lotion with my daughter.
We loved it! Thanks for recommending *The Burgess Boys.* I went out and
bought it and am enjoying it very much!
Yum! All together in one place sounds great. I appreciate the label downloads.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful recipes. I have this book from last year but would love the new version of it. Thanks!