I don’t think anyone would ever call me a minimalist. I have three children, two acres, 2 cats, 12 chickens and a whole lotta of square footage to keep clean. Yet that yearn for few things and large areas of empty space and free spent time is something I just can’t shake. This past September I put three experiments into action to see if they would help me shed the excess. They worked and are now lifestyle changes for me. Hopefully they can help you too.
I got rid of my wallet.
A few years back my husband bought me a really fantastic wallet for Christmas. It was perfect. It has a ton of slots for all my cards, a coin purse, various spots for cash, a calculator and even a spot to keep my favorite pen. When it was full, it was heavy and bulky, but it worked so well for me I kept using it. Then last Christmas I was given a new purse from infusion. I love Abby’s blog and her work and I too loved this purse. This purse came with slots for cards and a spot for cash, but I just ignored it and stuffed my wallet in the main compartment. Now, I have to carry around with me at all times two epi-pens (for my young son’s peanut allergy) and an albuterol inhaler with a spacer (for my oldest son’s asthma). Those two things combined with my wallet make for a stuffed purse! This past September, fed up with all that I had to carry, I decided to ditch my wallet and just use my purses slots to carry my money and cards.
I was suspicious and untrusting that it would work at first. There were only four slots for cards, which meant I could keep my drivers license, credit card, debit card and business debit card and that was it. Turns out those are really all you need. I found a separate little pouch to keep my health care cards, my library card and coffee punch card at the back of my purse. The store cards though? Throw them all away! Turns out each store that I previously ‘needed’ my card to get a discount can easily look you up using your phone number. Being able to leave all those extra cards home along with all the leather that kept them contained in my old wallet has lightened my load considerably!
I keep a thin calendar.
Ever since I’ve been in high school I’ve kept a weekly calendar by my side. I’ve always bought them and typically they’ve been pretty bulky and heavy. About a year and a half ago I gave up a traditional calendar for a bullet style calendar which I’ve adapted to my own style very successfully. I work best when I can write my to-do’s on paper and it’s so satisfying to be able to physically cross things off. However I missed visually seeing the squares of a monthly calendar. Plus my notebook was still big and rather heavy, so I’d leave it at home and often forgot what I was supposed to be doing on my errands.
Rummaging through my drawers I found some skinny Moleskines I had bought months before. They come in a pack of three and are completely blank inside. I drew up a quick template of squares for the month. (like the raised garden template in my garden bullet journal). To begin each month I have a list of goals to accomplish. Then I draw out my calendar, then I leave eight pages blank. These pages are for each week. The left hand side for weekly goals and notes and the right hand side to have a daily list of to-do’s. As you can see, under the weekly date, I write out which room I’m focusing on cleaning. I use flylady’s general cleaning schedule.
Because these notebooks are thin, they only hold 6 months, but that’s all I need. I just need a place to jot down my thoughts and keep me on schedule. For long range planning I turn to our family wall calendar. This thin notebook fits perfectly into my purse and weighs next to nothing. For me it is perfect.
I have only 36 Items of Clothing.
This experiment, like the wallet, I started with great distrust and suspicion. Last September I heard about capsule wardrobes. Basically it’s a very edited down wardrobe that is very easily mixed and matched to create dozens of different looks. Because it was time to change out my summer clothes for my autumn clothes I decided to give it a shot. Now this 36 items of clothing does include, tops + bottoms + dresses + shoes. It does not include gardening/workout clothes, pj’s or undergarments. At first I didn’t think this was going to work for me because I really like clothes. I enjoy getting dressed every morning. I like to think that how you dress is a form of expressing your personality.
However this experiment has turned into a lifestyle change, because I actually enjoy picking out my clothing even more. There are few things to select from, so everything gets used in equal rotation. It actually forces me to wear things I previously deemed ‘too nice’ or ‘too fancy for a weekday’. I’m dressing better and because choices are limited I choose faster in the morning. Luckily jewelry and scarves aren’t included in the closet count so you can add in as much or as little color as you want. I keep my out of season clothes in a bin at the bottom of my closet so that as the season has progressed from autumn to winter I have been able to swap out a few items which helps in keeping things interesting.
As The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up suggested, I kept everything that I truly loved and ditched the rest. At her suggestion, I also keep most of my clothes folded in my drawers. Doing this has saved me some money because I’ve stopped buying impulse clothing items. At the same time it’s forced me to go out and shop for what I really need, which is so refreshing! For example, after evaluating what I had, I realized that if I added in a white long sleeve t-shirt to the mix I would probably wear those colorful hand knit cardigans I knit more often. I also tried on all my jeans and saw that they weren’t all that flattering after all, so I bought a new pair of jeans that do fit me well and moved the old jeans to the ‘gardening clothes’ pile.
All in all, these three small changes have made a big impact in my life!
One of the very best things I do is put things away as soon as I am done with them. I do it every time (took years of practice)–even if I am coming back in a bit to work some more on it. With no half done projects (or aftermath) I am able to have my home uncluttered all of the time. The only time stuff is around is when I am working. And if I get an impromptu guest, I clean it up & then spend time with them. Now don’t get me wrong–my house is not spotless; there are days you can write your name in the dust, but, at least it stays clutter-free.
This is so inspirational! Thanks for sharing.
I’m not ready to cut down to 36 pieces of clothing or give up my wallet but I am learning how to take the time to look at my drawers and cabinets as I take things out and put them away. Last week as I put the Christmas placemats in the dining room buffet cabinet that there were several old table cloths that I know I’ll never use again. By the time I looked through all the drawers I had a large sack of linens that were headed to my favorite charitable donation store and a lot more room to put those placemats. Just this morning as I was getting dressed for church I noticed that once again I ignored a bra that I haven’t worn in ages. That bra is now in the garbage can. I’m working at it bit by bit.
It is my life long goal to create a capsule wardrobe and create a style that is unique for me. I hate shopping, and because I’m thin (but not petite) most of what I have is simply because it fits me. Getting that aspect of my life is on my major to-do list.
I simplified my life my trying out a no Facebook experiment. I haven’t checked it since the day before Christmas. I spend much less time online, and because I’m not comparing myself to what others are doing, I’m also much happier.
That’s a great idea Melissa, to cut out facebook. I’ve noticed that my mood is always different when I’m finished looking at fb. Sometimes happier, but mostly in a more negative mood than before.
You might find The Vivienne Files helpful. She has lots of capsule wardrobe ideas and templates.
I just printed out some online calendar pages and put them in my school planning binder (I’m a teacher). I was amazed at the simplicity, that it was free, and that it made for one less thing to carry.
The wardrobe for me is trickier because I live in the tropics and the drying clothing in the sun kills my shirts so quickly. I need a fair amount just to make it to my summer states visit when I stock up again at the thrift store. Though I’m sure there’s a fair amount in my closet I could weed out without missing it too much.
Holy cow, you could have been reading my mind. I have been in hate with my wallet for months now but never considered ditching it! Before I get rid of my store cards, I will scan them into Keyring on my smartphone! Thanks so much for the tip!
Just found this through Pinterest. Like you, I’ve been writing in a planner since high school, but have wondered if I should quit altogether. I love the idea of using a skinny Moleskine! Though, not sure I could make my handmade template as nice as yours. I’m impressed.
♥ perfectly Priya
I’ve severely pared down my makeup routine to just blush, eyeliner, mascara and gloss. It’s the bare minimum that keeps me feeling like I’m pulled together. I’ve also opted for a short pixie haircut because it requires way less time to style, I actually have a style every day, and washing, drying, etc. is a breeze.
I really am trying to pare down my wardrobe but I am currently at a large size I do not want to be so its hard. But I’m finding the older I get that more choices usually means more headache.
I found this post thru Pinterest. I have to say, I have gone without a wallet two times in my life. Once, when I was attending a community college and lugging around a heavy backpack of books. I found a key ring with a small leather zippered card holder attached. It held my driver’s license, debit card, student ID, some money and a chapstick. It was perfect. Currently, I do not carry a wallet in my purse. I have two RFID metal card holders. One carries the day to day cards (driver’s license, debit/credit cards, Costco card, etc. The other carries lesser used cards such as my health insurance card, AAA card, gift cards, etc. The purse that I use has two pockets on the inside of it that the two card holders fit perfectly in. I can reach in and find either case easily. I keep currency and coin in a small zippered pouch.
As for my wardrobe…. I work in an office environment where we are not seen by the public, so our dress code is casual as in jeans and nice T-shirts. Needless to say, that is my wardrobe……a couple of pairs of jeans and about 18 of my favorite T-shirt in various colors. It may be boring, but its easy for getting ready in the morning and I always know that I look appropriate for work. (I do have some seasonal clothing and some ‘dress up’ pieces for church and special occasions.)
I just recently found out about bullet journals. I am a list girl, so I am very interested in starting one. I think everyone could stand to pare down their lives in some way…..thanks for the inspiration!!
thanks for these useful hints that helps and make re-think what I will really use or not.
I love Sonoma! My sister lives there. I have been out to visit many times.