This is where, almost every night without fail, I curl up after the children have gone to bed to knit. The CVM sheep skin, that I bought from the Fibershed Wool Symposium, to my back, the light blue throw on my lap and knitting in my hands. It’s not a bad place to spend each evening. I’m currently knitting with some Madeline Tosh lace weight yarn that I have had in my stash since, approximately, forever. I have always loved the color….but what to do with lace weight yarn? I ordered this yarn on-line many years ago when I only had a modest knowledge of yarn weights. So I’m knitting a shawl with the most beautiful name of Begonia Swirl. A beautiful circular shawl with flower like petals at the ends. The flower part pairs well with the book I’m reading, as you’ll find out in a moment. However, I’ll be quite honest, that this is slow knitting, because I really am not one to wear shawls. With every row I knit I keep thinking, ‘Should I rip this out? I’ll never wear it.’ Yet, I’ve never knit anything that is circular either, so I keep going in the hopes of learning new things.
This book. The Signature of all Things. This has been on my nightstand for months waiting for it’s turn. And it shall be read fast! I am really, really enjoying this book. I have always been a sucker for historical fiction and this tale is one of a female botanist who grew up in Philadelphia in the 1800’s. For me, it’s the absolute perfect mix of historical facts and intriguing fiction. This is the first book in a long time that I have been making excuses to read in the middle of the day when I really should be doing anything else. The story starts telling of the heroine’s father, his journey from being a poor son of an orchard worker to owning a botanical empire. The heroine, Alma grows up home schooled diligently by her mother surrounded by greenhouses filled with exotic plants and the forest as her only friend. At the point I’m at now, she’s grown and onto her own adventures. This one is a good one, I highly recommend it! (it can be racy and scandalous at times, just thought I’d mention that in case you appreciate a warning)
The book you see in the background table is a non-fiction book about milk that’s in the queue. It’s a pretty thick book for just milk. I don’t expect it to be a complete page turner, but hopefully I’ll learn something. I’ll report back once I begin.
What are you reading right now?
(linking up with Frontier Dreams & Small Thing’s Yarn Along)
I LOVED that book!
Right now I’m reading “The Betrothed” by Alessandro Manzoni and “Jack London: An American Life” by Earle Labor. I just last night finished knitting a cowl made from some beautiful cream colored alpaca that was a gift from a friend, and I don’t know what my next project will be.
I envy your skill with needles (that yarn you are working with right now is the most gorgeous color!) and I’m sure that the finished shawl will be lovely!
I’m reading Still Alice, a story about the heartbreak of early (or any) onset Alzheimer’s . So far it’s not a page turner but I am still reading it
I’m reading Sacred Treason, a historical novel from Elizabeth the first reign
I’m reading “Home” by Marilynne Robinson. I love her writing style. Thanks to you and the others above for the book suggestions!
Love the yarn – it’s gorgeous! I wish I knew how to knit or crochet!
Sounds like a good book! Have you read The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh? I think you would enjoy that one as well.
Hi Kelly, yes I have read that book! I enjoyed it.
I wanted to like that book and the writing is wonderful but I think I was too prudish!! Anyways I like your knitting spot and cozy spot, so lovely and inviting.
What a cozy place you have to knit! I would love get a sheep skin but I have a feeling my puppy dog would devour it! I have heard great things about that book. I have to add it to my growing list.