Since there appears to be no March showers to bring April flowers, the plants have decided to make their big show early. There are flowers everywhere. From wild tiny purple flowers in freshly mowed fields, to neglected rose shrubs, to carefully pruned lilacs and promises of blooms from nurtured fall planted seedlings.
Eleven years ago I planted sweet peas and breadseed poppies with great success and have been trying to recreate that ever since. The one big hangup these past years was that three babies arrived taking center stage in my attention. This is the first growing season where I haven’t had to constantly follow a little one around. All three of them run in a pack outside now without needing my constant supervision. So I was able to spend my energy towards planting snapdragons, sweet peas, poppies and echinacea late last summer and they are all growing and thriving in their new raised beds. This is the best round of sweet peas I’ve ever grown, just look at the size of those leaves! I can’t wait until they bloom.
The secret of my success so far was in putting agribond over the beds in fall until the seedlings got large enough that the birds and bugs couldn’t do much damage. I also watered them throughout the winter with diluted sheep manure tea. Yum.
Those raised beds have been a tremendous success for us. I’m so very glad Scott built those because we’ve been able to get back into our groove of gardening success.
Sprouting in trays waiting to be planted are summer zinnas and marigolds.
How are things growing in your neck of the woods?
I always look forward to your visits on my computer, and it’s always hard to pic which photo I like the best. In this set the soft pink tulip is just yummy 😀
Oh! and also looking forward to how your bees made it thru the winter,
We are still in the throes of frosts and a bit of snow so we have little in the way of greenery as yet. The snowdrops have been magnificent but are fading now, there will be spring bulbs soon they are tentatively poking their heads above the soil. Your garden looks wonderful
It’s snowing here in Newtown, CT……. again! So it was a treat to see your beautiful flowers. I forget that not everyone is still wearing a down coat. Enjoy!
Our tulips are up and at ’em but not blooming yet, hardwoods are just starting to bud giving everything that colorful glow that promises of warmer weather! Other than that…not a whole lot except those weeds that really appreciate the warmer soil in my raised beds. LOL
Very jealous! Still 30 degrees with fresh snow on the ground here in Connecticut. This is the latest that I can remember still being covered in snow here.
Kendra, my heart goes out to you! I’m glad I came by to visit your blog today. I always enjoy visiting your space here, a place with so much beauty. I gravitate towards knitting to help me through challenging times too. It’s become such an important part of my life.
You must miss your mom so much. I can’t imagine what that would be like. I’ve lost great grandparents and grandparents, but not my parents. All I can say is I am sending you a great big hug! And you are in my thoughts. So much love to you!