My knitting ambitions have been put on hold these days as I’m doing my best to heal from wrist and elbow pains, from knitting of course. Well and from my computer’s tracking ball too, but that’s not nearly as intriguing a story as saying I have a knitting injury. So Scott’s sweater will have to wait until I can knit again and in the meantime, I sew. I picked up a few yards of jersey at the fabric store a few weeks ago with the aim at trying my hand at a vintage McCall’s pattern (6009) that I picked up at a garage sale years ago. I wish I had made it years sooner because I’ve already worn this shirt three days in a row! It came out just perfect (photo of me wearing it on fb). That doesn’t always happen. I think I may need this in a few other colors. Maybe a few with shorter sleeves, a few with longer sleeves and I’m thinking of making one in black and lengthening it into a dress too. What do you think? With a belt maybe?
I’m reading An Everlasting Meal, which I’m really enjoying. It’s a book about cooking. Not really a cook book, but something you can read front from cover and talks about all the things you can make from simple everyday things, from say, an egg or beans. It’s like reading a long letter written by your poetic friend who really loves to cook and is hoping to give you inspiration in the kitchen. It’s made me want to cook more, and too cook more creatively and as the tagline says, ‘with economy’. I wish this book would just play in the background of my head every time I entered the kitchen. Don’t you just wish that was how it was with some books? That it could continuously play softly and subtly in the background of your thinking at appropriate times? Yes, I wish this one would turn on every time I entered the kitchen. So often I get caught up in dinner being an elaborate affair using many store bought ingredients and Tamar’s writing just calms me down and encourages me to look at what I already have on hand. I really like this book. I could use more of this cooking mentorship in my life.
Thank you to all who commented on my new ‘Makers Marketplace’ shopping center suggestion. Wouldn’t that be so fun to actually put together and have as a resource? I don’t know if I can go from introverted stay-at-home-mom/self employeed graphic designer to dynamic, extroverted, wheelin’ & dealin’ shopping mall developer anytime soon. However, if that switch happens, you’ll all be invited to cut the ribbon with me on opening day. In the meantime, we can dream.
Oh and the Ultimate Living Healthy Bundle that my ebook is a part of is on sale starting today. It’s for a limited time so don’t miss it! Buy today
I’m sorry to hear about your knitting injury; sometimes it can be frustrating to have to put something aside to recover, but sometimes it is a great excuse for taking a break and doing something else like sewing. The top is lovely and in a very flattering color. Dress length and belted sounds delightful, too. Do you have a million projects waiting in the wings for the day you get to work on them? I do. If I don’t exercise some control, I could fill a room with yarn, fabric and other stuff. LOL
I loved “An Everlasting Meal” ! I totally understand what you wrote about her writing calming you down–that book was my ‘wake at 2 A.M. overwhelmed with stress’ life-line.It has a permanent spot on the kitchen counter
Sorry about your knitting injury! But what a lovely top, I definitely think some other colours are in order and a dress could be gorgeous.
Sorry to hear you’re in pain. The pain I often have in my joints certainly affects my knitting (and has for years). It’s good that you can turn your hand to sewing, though
I will have to look up the book (sounds like my kind of book!)