Beating the Julune Gloom

What better way to beat the Julune gloom (Julune: a new word coined by my oldest who got June & July mixed up together) than to experiment in the kitchen. In our kitchen these days are:
:: fermenting sauerkraut
:: bread & butter pickles
:: calendula & nettle infusions for soap making

Thinking of making this facial scrub from one of my favorite bloggers.


  1. says

    I’m ready to make pickles, too. Do you have a recipe you LOVE. If so, please share. Also, do you can or refrigerate? I love sauerkraut, but the fam are fans. :( LOVE you idea to make a scrub.

  2. says

    Hi there! Congrats on the new house. Love your blog.
    I’m in the process of making sauerkraut, too. Hope yours does well.
    I’m on my second try. My first batch turned brown on top. I don’t know what I did wrong. Anyways, have a great weekend!

  3. says

    I’m making sauerkraut tomorrow, and kimchi! I use the recipe from Nourishing Traditions. It’s easy (except for the pounding!) and doesn’t take weights or tons of salt or time (just 4 days) It does take making whey from yogurt, but that’s pretty easy, too.

  4. says

    I can’t wait to hear more about soap making! That’s next on my list of things to try and I would love to hear about how you do it! P.S. I love Julune. :)

  5. sandy says

    So I just discovered your blog, live in Petaluma, and I’m curious if you’re still doing the no-poo thing. I’ve been interested in trying it, but wondering if it works for the longterm. Have you gone back to shampoo?


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