Strangely enough, amidst the deepest of droughts, it rained this morning. In fact this was the third time precipitation has fallen from the sky this summer, if I’m counting correctly. Of course none of these rains have done much to help the drought nor has it even watered the plants all that well. However, us native Californians will tell you, rain in summer is just weird and miraculous!
The plants, though they didn’t get a good soaking, very much appreciated the little they did get. They all looked much happier this morning upon my usual morning stroll. One of my favorite areas are these new planting beds we had built on either side of the deck staircase. It’s been a while since I’ve gone to the nursery and picked out all new plants for an all new bed. Fun! Pineapple sage, dahlias, purple fountain grass, mexican feather grass, artimesia, lavender, black and blue salvia and a few others fill the beds.
In previous summers (2013, 2012, 2011) this bed was overflowing with sunflowers and corn and melons, this year it lays fallow, filled with weeds and dried fava beans. It’s okay… the soil needs to rest, right? Sure.
Radishes, along with the other seedling I planted last week are sprouting up. Thank you weird, welcome summer rain.
I always look forward to reading your informative blog posts and each of your beautiful pictures really tell a story!
As a child growing up in Sonoma, I loved and longed for that bit of rain to come on the day we had to go ‘back-to-school’ shopping! Later on, as a teen and young adult, I would jump on my horse and head for the hills during those surprise rains so I could revel in the fragrance of the wet bay and eucalyptus leaves. Lovely memories (and that blue salvia is fabulous!)…thanks!